Feeling a bit lost and unguided again

  • 4 replies
  • 71 subscribers
Hi all.
We are just past our 1st year anniversary since surgery, but feeling a bit lost and unguided again with my wife's tracheostomy following tongue cancer and neck dissection to remove lymph glands you may remember the posts I put on last year and later updates.
Question is I was just wondering if anyone with tracheostomy tube could share how often they get the outer tube changed by the hospital. My wife had to have a tracheostomy done following breathing complications after Radiotherapy in October 23. During a meeting with the ENT consultant in January 24 we asked about changing it but as he felt it would only be short term he said it was not necessary then, he had my wife in to attempt a capping off but this was unsuccessful this was in May. During follow up checks with ENT nobody as said anymore about it, we keep the inner tubes cleaned and changed 5 times a day, but the last month my wife as been getting chest infections and is on antibiotics I was just wondering if it's because of the outer canular not being changed for 9 months.
Also we tried to get scan after being prompted by members help here last time I posted, but our attempt to get a PET scan last month was declined as the consultant surgeon felt this was not needed as he said the lymph nodes were not affected but my wife had chemo and radiotherapy set up in August last year because the same consultant said there was cancer cells were present in the lymph nodes he removed so very disappointed with his attitude to our request for PET scan after all my wife has been through because of the after effects from radiotherapy.
GP Doctor as arranged chest X-ray this week for the infection but is not really up to speed on tracheostomy tubes.
So would appreciate any Information from other trache users on changing periods as my general take was they should be changed every 2/3 months.
My wife is also on PEG feeding as she is still unable to swallow since surgery.
We are trying to go along with ENT surgeons plans but sometimes we feel they are puling in different directions to ourselves. 
Thanking you in advance for any help.
  • Hi  

    I do remember you 

    So sorry your wife is in so much trouble. 
    Im sure these outer tubes need changing monthly. Your wife is still under hospital care so contact her CNS. You can be taught to do it yourself. Does she use a nebuliser? That might help ? And does she have a speaking valve. My stepson has a permanent trach and he manages his own. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Dani

    Thanks for your reply yes she does regular nebuliser use 4 times a day to keep mucus loose as my wife does get a lot of mucus at times, we have done this from when she came out of hospital in December. 

    We have had tracheostomy supplies set up with a company who keep us stocked on HME values, speaking valves and cleaning pipes which was very good as it was difficult for a start to get supplies without going back to the hospital for them. The district nurse is trying to set up arrangements so we can get nebuliser masks and chambers at the moment as again we have been going back to the hospital for these as we did not get informed that the district nurse was responsible for this until just recently, so we are slowly getting things in place without having to keep going to the hospital for them which is a big help. 

    I think the idea of being taught to change the outer canular would be a great idea if the ENT consultant and nurses would be willing to do this, we will ask when my wife does eventually get the tube changed as it looks as if my wife will be a permanent trache patient, but we still are hoping it may be reversed one day but there as been little change in her swallowing during our last few visits to clinic, and as I said capping off the trache as not been very successful because of mucus blocking her breathing, but we keep on hoping for a good outcome !!.

    Will chase up her CNS again

    Thanks for your help.


  • Good luck Stephen....Let us know how you get on


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Good evening Travis12, i would say that its a good possibility that the tube could be causing the infections, to be honest, i think your wife should have a speech and language therapist helping you both, i had a trachy three times when i was recovering from head and neck cancer surgery but it was removed once the stoma had healed up and there was no fear of it closing up, i sympathise with you both as i know how uncomfortable they are at times and need to be cleaned a few times a day due to mucus build-up. It may be worth your while asking for a second opinion if you are not happy with how your wife is being treated or looked after by her team. Surely the tube needs changing at regular intervals. Lets hope you can get the answers you need, all the best to you both, take care.


    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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