tonsil cancer

  • 8 replies
  • 74 subscribers

hi everyone, i am a very concerned sister, just praying for someone to point us in the right direction.

Back in January, my brother in law was diagnosed with tonsil cancer and it was in his nodes and after much messing about with cancelled appointments etc, he started on a course of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, chemo was once a week and radio was daily.

He was fitted with a PEG feeding tube and started his journey, which was rough and harsh, he had the same symptoms that many on here seemed to have, dry mouth then excess saliva, loss of taste BUT it never stopped him trying to eat and he relied on milkshakes and soups.

He never used the PEG at all and a month after treatment ended they took it out, he had a camera look around and was told they could not see anything of concern in his throat or stomach. The following week he had a PET scan and after 2 weeks saw his consultant - consultant said there was no sign of cancer in or around his tonsil or throat but there was a glow on the pet scan that he was unsure of, he said he wouldnt elaborate any further but would arrange a further scan in 2 months to see if anything is active or any other reason to cause it, he added that such intensive radiotherapy can sometimes continue to work even after time.

BIL was shocked and has gone from positive feelings to being at the bottom of a pit.

please has anyone ever had this scenario before and can at least give a heads up as to what is occuring

many many thanks

  • please has anyone ever had this scenario before and can at least give a heads up as to what is occuring

    Yes me. You can look at my blog where I describe my despair.

    It’s actually not uncommon. RT does quite a bit of damage which takes a long time to repair and even my scan at 16 weeks showed a hotspot. My team decided to biopsy the area rather than re scan which for me was a blessing. It saved weeks of worry. Some trusts, like your brother in law’s, opt for repeating the scan.
    99% of the time it is just residual inflammation

    My oncologist told me that if he had his way he would put everybody’s PET back to six months for this very reason. 
    So, try not to worry. It’s likely residual RT. 

    Oh and welcome. I should have put that first. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • thank you so much dani

    It was a shock really, the consultant firmly stated that the tonsil and throat showed no signs, either on the scan or the visual camera examination.

    BIL did ask if it was the node but he would not commit to anything, just said it was unclear

    BIL treatment finished in early may and taste etc has almost returned, no problems with eating, only difference is he cant tolerate spices or sweetness, both being his go to before treatment.

    he does every know and then get a sore spot but  that soon goes and his only real problem is the dry mouth which is a constant and affects his sleep etc.

    the scan was ordered 3 weeks ago but have had no sign of an appointment, and consultant wants to see him in november. just feel as though time is being wasted.

  • Spider 

    If his consultant was really concerned your BIL would be seen sooner I’m sure. 
    A hotspot may be too small to biopsy if it was in his neck. 
    If you’re in England he might have access to his notes online. I suppose he could look there on his NHS app, he might have something to tackle his CNS with. 
    I wish consultants would be more forthcoming.

    Whatever you do don’t Google. You don’t know what you are looking for  and you’ll just frighten yourself. 
    Meanwhile all you can do is be vigilant for any new changes. 
    Dry mouth. A pocket water spray is good for frequent relief as us sugar free chewing gum. I swore by that in the early days. I also had a crack at acupuncture specifically for xerostomia and that seemed to kick start everything. 
    Has he tried xylimelts at night? They are a xylitol lozenge that stick to the gum slowly releasing through the night. Five years on I still use one. 
    Best of luck. 
    Keep in touch and let us know how he gets on xx


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi I use the xylimelts on recommendation from Dani and they really work for me too. I only take water at about 6 or 7 am compared to every hour previous to using the melts.

  • thanks for the tips, he will try them all

    so far we have all managed not to invite dr google into the equation.

    so very grateful to you

  • thank you

    we are getting him some as soon as humanly possible

  • Hi Danis covered all bases so welcome from me. Try to keep off dr  google and let him read Danis blog she really did have an hot spot as she says. It’s more common that we realise no help to your  b I l. But it’s extremely rare for our treatment to fail. I wasn’t scanned until week 18 my oncologist like Danis  would prefer 6 month but he agrees it’s a long time for patients to wait. As for the xyimelts you can get from Amazon  quickly. If he gets on with them there’s a company online called hope to sleep we can get them vat free  which certainly helps I’ve been in them 6 years now. Dry mouth can be a long lasting side effect. They arent available in prescription. 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • On my second round with this cancer (surgery only that round) I had a PET and there was a hot spot in my jaw.  It was an infected tooth.  These things do happen.  The waiting for tests and then results really does suck.  No advice is going to make it easier for him, but there is every chance it is absolutely nothing.  Try to keep him busy to take his mind off it.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey