Tongue cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 74 subscribers

Hi just wee bit of advice again. I seem to ask all the time. Ten weeks post-op RT. Throat sore again. Hadn't been sore for ages. At night I have to raise my head up on lots of pillows which I have done since head neck dissection plus feel less swollen in am if I sleep raised up. But if I lie flatter I seem to get a lot of phlegm running down my throat and a tickle in my throat. Better during the day. Just wondering if this can come and go after the RT for a while and is it normal. Just the usual fears that it could have spread to tonsils or throat which I know really isn't the case but I still worry. Gonna try nebuliser today to try clear it. Anyone experience this too. Thank you. 

  • I had the same problem after a neck dissection and RT. I had to sleep propped up and bought a foam wedge for this - which worked much better for me than pillows. The good news is that it does go though. I think it took about 4 months after treatment finished before I could sleep with my normal pillow. So make yourself comfortable for now, with the knowledge that you shouldn’t need all these pillow for ever. 

  • Unfortunately it does happen.  I had it after surgery and now after CRT.  I did find the nebuliser was good at clearing it but rarely use it now.  Hopefully things will get better for you.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • I had one of those wedge shaped pillows which worked a dream on top of two pillows really helped me all round . It does get better but you do wonder sometimes All the Best Minmax

  • Thank you gonna purchase one . ThumbsupThumbsup

  • Make yourself as comfortable as possible , My son got me audible books which has hours of listening on whatever topic you like , Certainly helps pass the time rather than vegging , not that there is anything thing wrong with doing nothing All the Best Minmax