Melanoma spread to head and neck

  • 2 replies
  • 71 subscribers

Hello I am new to the group.  Was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic melanoma a few weeks ago.  Have phone appointment with my oncologist this week when hopefully they can start some form of treatment.  

I have no idea what to expect with treatment - will it shrink down the lumps that keep appearing on my body - will I lose weight etc.  any help welcome at the moment 

I am waiting on results of CT scan to see if the melanoma has spread to my head but I have developed a lump inside my mouth which feels like all the other lumps I have on my body.  

Just waiting on hearing what the oncologist is going to say and to finally get some treatment - waited two months since I first had ultrasound on the main lump on my neck and still no treatment.

is it always as slow as this? 

  • Hi Carol.

    Sorry to read your plight. It must be frightening and infuriating. Sadly appointments are falling behind and delays are all too common. 

    I see you haver joined the melanoma forum. I think you are much more likely to get the help you need there.

    My advise to patients caught up in these delays has always been to keep phoning the hospital and your CNS. 

    Good luck....I hear immunotherapy has really good results in metastatic melanoma.


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

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  • Thank you for your response.  I have joined the melanoma forum too so will check in there for a response. 

    hoping immunotherapy helps 

    thank you