Maintaining weight

  • 13 replies
  • 85 subscribers

Morning all,

I’ve somehow managed to lose 8lbs in my first 2 weeks of radio and chemo treatment!

really keen to hear from anyone who managed to maintain their starting weight or lose very little throughout treatment and how they did it!

Any tips gratefully received.

Eating normal food exceptionally hard due to loss of any taste. Mouth not too sore yet, but the desire to eat with no taste just not there.

I can manage shakes no problem, but other foods harder to force down.



  • Thanks Mark,

    Breakfast essentials have been discontinued sadly.

    i have a 9 month old whippet puppy, so still doing plenty of walking. Haven’t had the energy to hit the gym like I normally would though.

    Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated 

  • Oh that’s interesting. I had no idea.  Maybe combine it with Dani’s recipe then?
    I wouldn’t worry about the gym at this point if you don’t feel up to it. Listen to your body and you’ll know what’s right and what’s not. I carried on jogging up to my second week of chemoradiation and my body then said ‘Nah - this has to stop,’ so I did. I carried on with the walking though and am sure it aided my recovery. 

  • Hello Jason

    There are all sorts of recipes for high calorie smoothies online. I just googled’high calorie smoothie recipes’.  I found it helpful when my taste returned.  Buying a smoothie maker was a game changer for me.

    Good luck with the rest of your treatment.
