1 week down, 6 to go

  • 10 replies
  • 77 subscribers


First week done thankfully. 30 radio and 5 chemo to go!

Skin is already very red on my neck, nausea from the chemo has been worse than I expected and mouth tastes horrendous.

Mouth isn’t sore but tastes of bloody metal all the time and all food tastes horrendous already. Is this normal?

is there anything I can do to try and maintain appetite?



  • Hi Jason, well done you will soon be on the road to recovery. A good thing to use on you neck is Aloe Vera gel, only put it on after each RT session (not before). Unfortunately, the horrible taste is normal, food wise just try to eat what you can. Have you got a RIG or a PEG fitted? If you have start to use it as soon as you need to, if you haven't, they might fit a NG tube, if eating becomes too difficult. Always keep your team updated with any side affects you get; they will give you something for them. You can always ask any questions on here.


  • Hi Umvert Good for you . Staying on top of any issues is the most important thing. Just look after yourself and walk a little everyday. Its like a bad trip but it does end and you will be amazed as to how strong you are All the Best minmax

  • Hi Jason

    As Ray has said Aloe Vera gel (big tub on Amazon) and E45 kept my neck mainly OK.  Speak to your team on Monday about it, but that was my hospital's recommended treatment.  It worked well for me.

    I almost certainly had a different chemo to you but I think the nausea and taste are common from the chemo.  I was lucky and only marginally faced taste changes (tap water tasting like the sea etc) and no nausea.  You should have anti nausea tablets.  If they are not working let your team know.  As to taste, just try different things to see what works for you.  It is essential to remain hydrated and well stocked up on calories.  Try to keep your swallow alive, but don't be afraid to use your feeding tube if you have one fitted to supplement what you can take by mouth.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Ask your team if you can have Flamigel RT cream.. my neck got a helluva tan, but the skin remained intact and didn't breakdown.. and ask for meds to deal with the nausea.. your mouth will suffer, so use the things they give you for your mouth, regularly.. First week done.. any problems tell your team, don't try to tough it out.

    Loz (61)

    Oropharyngeal right tongue base T2N2bM0 squamous cell carcinoma p16 positive.. 

  • Hi Jason

    Well done in getting through the first week...things will get tougher ...then better...long road.

    Taste and appetite will suffer ...but should eventually come back to near normal.

    I'm just over 1 year post ChemoRadio treatment for T2N1M0 HPV16+ tonsil cancer...still have some iffy days but no major complaints.

    Take care and best of luck


  • Hi Jason. Metallic mouth is not uncommon sadly csn  stick around for a good while. Best advise take the mantra food is fuel forget about enjoyment it will return later on in recovery but for now think calories are king. It’s essential to maintain hydration and nutrition. As the others have said any issues tell your team they are your first point of contact. Eat orally as long as you can but if you’ve a peg don’t be afraid to use it. If no peg ask for NG tube when you need it. 

    Well done on week 1 


    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

  • Hi Hazel,

    I have a PEG, but trying not to use it until I have to.

    The metallic taste really dulls the appetite though so much harder than I thought to power through and eat.

    I will keep trying 

  • Thanks Peter, much appreciated 

  • Hi Jason, don't hold back on using your PEG, if eating is difficult, that's what it's for. View your Peg as part of the treatment.


  • Good evening Jason, what you are going through are classic side effects from the treatment although you seemed to have reacted quite strongly, to be honest, i would start to use the PEG rather than trying to eat as it will help ease the discomfort, maybe ask for your anti-sickness meds to be changed as some work and some don't depend from person to person. Sorry, you have peaked early and hopefully, you can get some relief from the red/sore skin from the guys' suggestions on here as all i used was aqueous cream, please only use items prescribed by your consultant and suggestions on here as they tried and tested. All the best for your continued treatment and recovery, take care.


    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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