Dry mouth

  • 16 replies
  • 78 subscribers

Hi, my question is dry mouth. I know it's a very common side effect but mine seems to be getting worse 8 weeks after RT and had head neck dissection before that. I have to drink throughout the nite to help this and last night was the worse my lips actually stuck together. I use the spray before I sleep . Was wondering if anyone else has any tips. Does this improve. Thank you. 

  • Hi Jg123, this is normal, you are still very early in your recovery. It can take a good while for things to improve, but they no doubt will. There is some lozenge type product that you can use for nighttime, unfortunately I don't recall the name of them right now, however I do know a lot of people on here have used them, so hopefully someone will be along with the name of them for you.


  • Thank you Ray . 

  • Hi Jg123

    It is horrible when you have no moisture in your mouth and your tongue sticks to the roof of your mouth or your lips get stuck together. It does improve over time and most people find it can resolve quite well. Unfortunately for me as I have had radiotherapy twice at different times to different sides of my face because of jaw cancer I have an ongoing issue with dry mouth.

    I found that Xylimelts really helped keep my mouth moist all night after my first radiotherapy. You can buy them on Amazon. I live in Australia and can buy them at some chemist shops but don't know if you can in the U.K.

    Since my second lot of radiotherapy sadly I am unable to use Xylimelts  for various reasons. I now use Oral7 or Biotene dry mouth gel and find they work fairly well and the effect lasts a lot longer than the moisturising spray. I do have to re-apply during the night once or twice to keep the effect going.



  • Oh thank you for that information. Will try to buy them 

  • Hi Jg123, can I suggest that you look on the Swallow’s website, it is a charity support for head and neck and they have goody help products that you can get from them I know one of the biggest issues mouth cancer patients suffer is dry mouth and they do have help available


    Hope things improve and take care Wink


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    Onwards and UpwardsWink Laryngectomy and OC survivor 

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    Yes do look at the swallows. They supply mouth care support boxes free too so you can try some of the products. 
    Do bear in mind that a lot of their products are available more cheaply from other sources. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 


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  • 6 months into recovery and I still awake 2 or 3 times in the night with dry mouth.  During the day it is not so much of a problem as I always carry water and now chew gum.  At night I use Biotine gel which coats the mouth.  It does not help with saliva production (in my case) but it does slow down the drying out of the membranes for a few hours.  My main issue is that I breath through my mouth at night with really dries out things quickly.  I have always found that the sprays and mouthwashes are of short term effectiveness.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Thank you I will look into this.

  • Will try some biotene gel. Thank you

  • This is normal. I’m 7 months post treatment and I still sip water throughout the night as well as during the day. It does get better and you get used to it . Promise