Hi I'm new and don't know who to ask about mouth hair...

  • 4 replies
  • 84 subscribers


I'm new to the forum and was hoping someone could point me in the right direction for advice about something a bit weird.

I had my T3 ACC removed a couple of weeks ago, along with some jaw and the roof of my mouth, which they patched with a skin flap from my forearm. I'm still feeling pretty beat up, which is expected, although I'm recovering well.

But one of the outcomes of the surgery that I didn't expect was that the skin of my hairy arm has become the hairy roof of my mouth. It's like I have a moustache on the inside which is another complication in improving my swallowing.

I was just wondered if there was a forum for people going through the MaxFac journey or if anyone has experienced this and has any advice?

I know in the grand scheme of things, it seems so silly to get caught up on mouth hair of all things, but I feel like I prepared myself for all the big stuff, like scarring and facial paralysis but it's the mouth hair that's really getting to me right now.

Thank you in advance Heart️  Hope everyone is having a bearable day

  • Hi Alex

    It's great that you had a successful op but the hair on the roof of your mouth sounds really annoying and I can see how it could affect your eating.  I had a similar op to you with a graft from my forearm but fortunately as I am not hairy there I have not had the same issue. However I do remember a post from someone who was having a similar issue some time ago. Unfortunately I can't remember the outcome so that is not much help to you but I think laser might have been mentioned.  However it must be an issue that your consultant sees fairly often so I would get an appointment with him and find out what can be done.

    Hope you have a successful outcome.



  • Hi Alexa , my hubby had mandibular cancer and jaw reconstruction. He had hes flap from hes leg and hes very hairy. Like yourself he had a hairy mouth infact hes was awful and he struggled with this but once he started rt it started going as it kills the hair folicals. After a few weeks it started to fall out so speak to your team to find out if and when you will be having rt. Wishing you all the best as know this isnt pleasant either and Pauls got quite long i remember we cut the hair at one point. Wishing you all the best xxx

  • Good evening Alex, I'm afraid I'm not much help to you, although I had a few skin grafts and a forearm flap plus ones from my stomach and thigh i never suffered from any hair issues, maybe because I'm not very hairy although I can see a difference in skin colour where they took skin and tissue from different parts of my body. It's the first time i have heard of this happening maybe your consultant is more knowledgeable of how the hair disappears, i know that radiotherapy can cause hair loss. I'm sure you will not be expected to put up with this issue. All the best with your continued recovery, well done in your progress so far as we all know how difficult it can be, good luck and take care.


    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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  • Hi. I had a fibula free flap about 2 years ago to replace my lower right jaw. Also had hair growth and fortunately didn’t need radiotherapy so the hair remained.

    The NHS arranged for laser therapy which has mostly sorted it out. It’s basically the same process as having laser hair removal on any other part of the body, pretty painless, they ask you to wear goggles then put a small pen like instrument in my mouth to zap the hair follicles. Only takes a few mins each appointment, but I had to go half a dozen or so times. I expect the consultant will also want you to wait quite a few months for the surgery to heal first, I went about 9 months later.