Very painful throat post treatment of 6 months.

  • 6 replies
  • 72 subscribers

Hello and many thanks for taking time to read my question. Last September I was diagnosed with Nasopharyngeal cancer T1 N1. I finished my chemotherapy and radiotherapy at the end of December 2023. Obviously as you will all know the next couple of months we're pretty testing yet slowly over time I felt improvement.

Within the last week my throat has become extremely sore. Swallowing is difficult and generally feeling very low. To be honest it feels very similar to when I was having radiotherapy. I was meant to see the Ent this Friday for my results and I thought I could wait to ask them. Due to industrial action my appointment has been cancelled. 

This maybe a very silly thought yet I have been racking my mind to what I have done differently, have I been in contact with someone with a cold or covid all of which I haven't. The only thing I have done during the last week was a dentist visit where I had 4-5 x-rays. Like I said, this feels very, very similar pain wise to radiotherapy days. Could the dentist X-rays aggravated the cancer site? 

Sorry for going on and would really appreciate any advice, even if it's a stop being daft, it's quite normal. 

Many thanks. Richard. 

  • Maybe a cold? The feeling low could be due to an infection? Do a Covid test?
    Our throats are very sensitive. I used to get sore throats at the drop of a hat 

    On the subject of xrays. I reckon I’ve had enough. I won’t let my dentist do any 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

    I wrote a blog about my cancer. just click on the link below 

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi 

    Finished Chemoradio for Tonsil cancer June 2023...still have occasional twinges....our throats took a real hammering

    Make an appointment with your GP?...maybe he will put your mind at rest?

    I'm just back from a foreign holiday....both myself and my wife had bugs, including a sore throat...maybe from the plane, plenty of coughing all around us ...negative for Covid....  now on the mend....but it was worrying.


  • Many thanks for your help and advice. Really appreciate it. Rich

  • Many thanks for your help and advice. Really appreciate it. Rich

  • Hi Richard, I often had a sore throat after my treatment had finished, even now 6 1/2 years post treatment, I still do get them from time to time. If you are worried give your team a ring.


  • Thank you Ray. I am supposed to get a call tomorrow for an emergency scope so fingers crossed it's just a little flare up.

    Thank you and everyone for all their help. 
