Cyst in front of tongue

  • 15 replies
  • 76 subscribers

Good Morning all.

i wi see if you can give me some advice? I have a lump/cyst inside my tongue. It seems to be at the front right of my tongue but moves around slightly. I sometimes feels like it’s quite large and then seems to move. I think I noticed it a few weeks ago when I licked my lips and then didn’t notice again for a few weeks.

I have been to the GP who has put me in the referral list and have an appointment in the hospital this Friday.

I am absolutely terrified that this is cancer, I have gone down a rabbit hole of google which is worrying me even more. I am scared to go to the appointment. My question is ……. What will happen in the appointment, (it says in the letter that no surgeries will take place, so I guess it is just a talk?) If I need a biopsy how long does that take? What is the survival rate? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated!