Coughing small amount of blood in the morning

  • 1 reply
  • 79 subscribers

Hi all,

I am one year out from treatment and no evidence of disease when last scanned (MRI in Jan 2024 to check node reduction... still NED and nothing lighting up in lungs etc). Last ENT scope was April and all looked good.

You might recall that I was asking about aspiration, recently. I've been working with my SALT to check why I was suddenly getting more secretions and coughing.

Anyway, that issue has continued since April. The last 7 days I have coughed up secretions with small streaks or blobs of blood. It's clear for the rest of the day, when I just cough up the usual sticky, clear stuff. My chest feels tight and breathing is sometimes wheezy. Last Thurs, I went to see a GP to get my chest checked. He said it all sounds totally clear and I wasn't wheezing when he checked. I feel fine otherwise (except for usual post treatment issues). GP is going to see me again in two weeks and fast track me to respiratory, if still bits of blood.

I haven't told my team yet because I thought I'd get a faster response from my GP. Team might try to fit me in with ENT consultant, I guess... but that might take a couple of weeks. I'll probably contact them, tomorrow. Just to let them know.

I think it could just be that my secretions have changed again, as a mid to late term side effect and I have blood vessels in my scarred throat that keep getting damaged by daily coughing. Maybe...

However, I am feeling freaked out about possible metastasis to the lungs (despite never showing in Sept 2023 PET or Jan 2024 MRI). 

Anyone else coughed bits of blood this long after treatment?



  • Anyone else coughed bits of blood this long after treatment?

    I haven’t but I think you should get in to your CNS asap. You’re going to get fast tracked to the lung team quicker going through your oncologist. Hopefully it’s as you say… just a hangover from treatment. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


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