Numbness around scar after neck dissection

  • 12 replies
  • 77 subscribers


After selective neck dissection two weeks ago from my ear right down my neck is numb. The consultant has told me to massage my scar with bio oil. I’m struggling to do this and it turns my stomach, I think due to the weird sensation of not being able to feel that I’m touching my neck. I don’t have a problem looking at the scar, it is only touching it that makes me feel this way. Has anyone else experienced this or got any advice they can share please?

  • Hi Misscjayne Something that has happened is the hairs are growing on my graft. I suppose thats a good sign and the swelling has reduced big time under the ear , its still large at the base of my neck but definitely going down. Still can't properly feel it mind you . All the Best Regards Minmax

  • Hi.

    10 months ago I had same surgery. I didn't massage the scar as also was not comfortable with touching it and it didn't change the outlook of the scar so I wouldn't worry about it too much. What I will advise is to stretch your neck daily. In all directions and as far as you feel comfortable as the scar will shrink and make you feel like the throat is tight. To avoid that (and it is a really annoying feeling) try to stretch the skin as soon as you can safely do so. Take care x.