Numbness around scar after neck dissection

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After selective neck dissection two weeks ago from my ear right down my neck is numb. The consultant has told me to massage my scar with bio oil. I’m struggling to do this and it turns my stomach, I think due to the weird sensation of not being able to feel that I’m touching my neck. I don’t have a problem looking at the scar, it is only touching it that makes me feel this way. Has anyone else experienced this or got any advice they can share please?

  • Hi Foxylady  You could use something to put the oil on like a paint brush or similar . Its a weird sensation not being able to feel things but I would prefer that to the alternative Thank God All the Best Minmax 

  • Hi Foxylady. Can you get somebody else to do it for you? 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019

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  • Can you get somebody else to do it for you? 

    That would be my advice; my wife did all post dissection creams and even shaved me for a while.

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    Metastatic SCC diagnosed 8th October 2013. Modified radical neck dissection November, thirty-five radiotherapy fractions with 2xCisplatin chemo Jan/Feb 2014. Recurrence on larynx diagnosed July 2020 so salvage laryngectomy in September 2020.

  • Good evening Foxylady, I dont know a lot about this, maybe using gloves would help you with the weird sensation, sorry i cannot offer any better advice. All the best.

                                                                                Chris x

    Its sometimes not easy but its worth it ! 

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  • Hi Foxylady - hope that some of the suggestions about how to put the oil on help. I had a selective neck dissection too and had numbness around the scar and on my ear after the op. Massaging the Bio oil in really helped and some feeling has returned to the whole area.  

    I had a 6 week window between the operation and start of radiotherapy and wanted the scar to be as good as poss before this started. I can’t use the Bio oil during this treatment but the scar is holding up well during the treatment. I’m now 4 weeks in but have had no breakdown on my neck yet. I don’t know if you’re having radiotherapy - but if so another reason to try and use the Bio oil in whatever way works for you. Good luck!

  • I recently noticed that about 2 years after my neck dissection I finally have near normal sensation there. I think that nerve damage repairs slowly.

    But I do recall the numb ear and neck area just after the operation and the weird, rubbery feel. That disappeared over a few months, but the full recovery process took longer for me.

    I didn’t start massage or the use of oil/moisturiser until months after my op because it was still tender and oddly numb.

    My advice is to do what you feel comfortable with and take time to recover. 

  • I hate to say this, but it will probably improve only a little and you will still have a weird sensation for evermore.  It is the result of surface nerves being cut.  I've had 2 dissections and got used to the feeling.  Some of the sensations are amusing - I can scratch my neck and it feels like I am touching the top of my ear!  I had major surgery on my thigh when I was a teenager and it is a similar sensation today, far too many years later!

    I guess the bio oil is to soften the scar tissue - as others have suggested either get someone to do it or use a rag??  However, it is very useful to be able to touch and feel the neck so you can feel any new lumps and bumps that may occur.  In my case I do that whilst shaving - I know that does not apply to you!

    For general massaging of the neck I found a hot shower using a massage head on the area of the scar really helped ease my neck in the morning and set me up for the day.  Over 2 years later I still have to do that occasionally.

    With the dissections time is the great healer and none of my after effects have seriously limited my life, but it did take at least 18 months for me to get to that position.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hi Peter I had surgery on the 28th of november and have really recovered well and back on screwdriver duty and a bit of plumbing so all happy days with that , Unfortunately they couldn't remove it all and I am getting the odd serious pain which I dont think is good but am having a MRI on Sunday , So fingers and everything else crossed lol All the Best Regards Minmax 

  • Definitely fingers crossed for you.  It is a worrying time.  Let us know how it goes.

    See my profile for more details of my convoluted journey
  • Hi…

    I have exactly the same problem so Iv no advice to give but I shall watch out for anyone who has some tips!

    my operation was 3 weeks ago and mine is numb too and my ear, and neck it does  feels so weird, im hoping that it goes back to normal in time Heart eyes