Clinical negligence due to misdiagnosis causing an 18th month delay in being treated.

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Heading says it all as does my profile. I'm considering a negligence claim as I have no idea if we can cure this cancer, my hearing has deteriorated because of it, the extra stress of more aggressive treatment because of spread.  Not sure if it's worth it or not.....has anybody else considered this.  Feels bad about sueing NHS but it's not really is it because consultants have indemnity insurance for just this.

  • Hi again Motherdearest. I’ve been on the forum for over four years and I can recall a few posting about suing for negligence, but as I posted before I have a friend that died as a result. Her family talked of suing in the immediate aftermath but I’m not sure they took it any further.

    If you put negligence in the search function at the top of the page there are a few posts 

    There are law firms that specialise in this so that’s the obvious next step. I hope you find the answer. Best wishes 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi

    My friend was diagnosed a couple of months before me. By the time i'd had all my scans, appointments and started treatment he'd had nothing. 

    He had stomach cancer years ago, so you'd have thought they would have got on and sorted it because of his previous history with cancer.

    It wasn't untill he kicked off that they finally started to do scans, by this time the cancerous lump had attached it'self to his pelvis.

    He is taking action, he isn't going to accept a pay out if he's offered one as he's not doing it for the money. He's doing it because they didn't do their job properly and need 'reprimanding ' for it.


  • I’m not sure whether the OP has been back to visit us since she first posted. I hope she had some resolution since then. 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Tonsil cancer HPV16 plus ...I was misdiagnosed twice ... made to feel a bit like a hypochondriac.... nearly 2 years  later a more competent GP recognised the symptoms and  referred me to ENT...I was unhappy with the delay and possibility of spread.... brought the issue up with medics but got no support.... they closed ranks....circled the wagons


  • Tonsil cancer HPV16 plus ...I was misdiagnosed twice ...

    Can you remind us how you were eventually referred then diagnosed ? It would be really useful if you could put a potted history in your profile too


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • I realise this is an old post resurrected but thought I'd add to it in case others were thinking of it. 

    I was misdiagnosed for 8 yrs, told menopause and it was thyroid cancer! By time of diagnosis it had spread to lymph nodes. 18 months post op, I'm still in alot of pain and fatigued. Had to reduce work hours so financially much worse off. Therefore decided to look into medical negligence claim. 

    Spoke to a specialist solicitor who looked at my GP notes. They told me unless it's a really strong case they won't take it on (because they're unlikely to win and get fee I presume?) The GPs are well protected legally and you have to show they were clearly neglectful. In my case it was a rare variant of thyroid cancer and the solicitor thought that would make it even harder to prove negligence.

    So I didn't pursue it. What I will do though is write a complaint to my GP practice so this hopefully reduces the chance of it happening to someone else. Some form of education needs to happen in these situations, otherwise no one is accountable and that troubles me. Interestingly this also gave me a form of closure as I was constantly wondering if I should sue and now it's not an option and I just need to move on.

    Anyway sorry long post but thought I'd say what was on my mind while the post is back up.

    Medullary Thyroid cancer dx May 2023

  • The locum GP (June 2021) who examined the tonsil stated that there was nothing to be concerned about...gave me instructions to gargle with salt and water...I had enquired about possibility of antibiotic/antiviral treatment...had this been given and no improvement noticed I would have taken the issue further.
    Some months later a lump appeared in my neck (l/h side) below the offending and still malformed tonsil, naïvely believing this to be dental issue I duly made an appointment with Dental Care surgery, dentist examined the area and advised that I make an urgent appointment to see a GP in my Health Centre.
    During the subsequent appointment the senior GP examined the neck lump and malformed tonsil and advised again that nothing sinister was ongoing...blocked saliva gland...suck on some slices of lemon...again I had enquired about possibility of antibiotic/antiviral treatment...not needed, nothing to worry about.
    Early 2023 infection set in to the l/h malformed tonsil, photograph was taken and emailed to Health Centre...this was received yet another GP (luckily) who advised that I should come into the Health Centre ASAP....duly appeared at surgery where after a very quick examination GP made an urgent referral for me with ENT
     February 2023 called into ENT at Ninewells Dundee...biopsies of malformed tonsil and neck lump taken....2x 8 samples...had to return to ENT as first set of biopsies proved to be inconclusive....called back for scans...then HPV16+ tonsil cancer confirmed.
    At the time of the initial examination in June 2021 I was still being monitored for colorectal cancer,....a little bit of due diligence by the GP should have been exercised
  • Some months later a lump appeared in my neck

    That’s terrible. An enlarged lymph node is classic presentation of oropharyngeal cancer. The trouble is that the older GPs are familiar with this cancer occuring in older smoker/drinkers but HPV has changed all that. The younger GPs are more familiar 


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • TONSIL CANCER SIGNS....Asymmetrical tonsilsOne tonsil may be larger than the other. ..,. Google ...sadly I did succumb to temptation....desperate at that time

    I had been concerned about the possibility of tonsil cancer....reassured by two GPs that there was nothing sinister going on