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I seriously can not find the thread regarding someone here saying Nystan doesn't work for Oral Thrush and Fluconazole is the best. I asked my GP about being presribed this and she said "well the answer isn't exactly no but, there is a reason why we start with the lightweight stuff and work our way up, because we would have to monitor your liver if we put you on Fluconazole". Anyone here who knows about this drug had a similar response? I feel there may be a battle ahead !

  • Hi Piya.  I don't have any knowledge of medications for oral thrush but I have discovered that if you enter Fluconazole into the search bar at the very top of this page the past posts should come up.  

    Good luck.

    Linda x

  • Hi my g p said same but Eventually gave in as nystatin didn’t do a thing. Yes liver needs initiating if on long term but most of us aren’t on long enough thjnk I had 2 weeks it cleared then few months came  back so had another 2 weeks. Thjnk it was Dani aka . Who put post on. Hopefully she will see thus H xx

    Hazel aka RadioactiveRaz 

    My blog is www.radioactiveraz.wordpress.com  HPV 16+ tonsil cancer Now  6 years  post treatment. 35 radiotherapy 2 chemo T2N2NM.Happily getting on with living always happy to help

    2 videos I’ve been involved with raising awareness of HNC and HPV cancers 


  • Never had any problem getting it. Oncologist first prescribed it and it was he who said anything else was a waste of time. Ive had two one week courses and a two week in 18months. The first bout was during RT the subsequent ones after antibiotic therapy for an unrelated ailment


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Agree with the others posts. I have been plagued with thrush on and off for 2.5 years. Terrible in first 12 months. 2 weeks of fluconazole (yes nystatin is a total waste of time AND it is a sugar0laden solution at a time when we have a dry mouth and are susceptible to tooth decay), 2 weeks free, then back it came. If you end up with this tedious pattern, let me know - there is another regime for recurrent infections, but most people will get 1, 2 or maybe 3 bouts of thrush before it clears. If you have regular fluconazole your GP should monitor  your liver function - not exactly a hardship for them.

    Good luck


  • Hi

    Thank you for posts. It is good to know that liver monitoring is a norm. GP just sounded so reluctant to even consider, hence question to try and guage what to do.

    However, ENT decided I would benefit from face to face (6 months since last one) and so off to Georges last thursday. Nasoendoscopy-clear and no thrush, just hairy tongue which is common with dry mouth they told me. Feeling rather reassured. So difficult for GPs to diagnose some things via a phone, I am grateful of hospital meeting even if I did feel unsure about going.

  • Glad you have it sorted. When I get thrush it's never a white coated mouth. I get sore red cheeks and tongue. I got fed up arguing the toss with my GP so I took a swab and looked under the microscope ( I keep it for looking for bee diseases) The slide was awash in yeast cells. QED.

    Oral thrush doesn't always look like the text book description


    Base of tongue cancer. T2N0M0 6 weeks Radiotherapy finished January 2019


    Macmillan Support Line -  0808 808 00 00 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Community Champion badge
  • Funnily enough i got diagnosed with oral thrush yesterday, they didnt bother with Nystatin and prescribed fluconazole straight away

  • It was a real issue trying to work out if it was OT when all I had to go on was a GP phone call and google images. GP never mentioned hairy tongue possibility. Interesting to note that OT may not present as the stock images on my computer.

  • HI Piya - I talked about this a few months ago. My husband was plagued with oral thrush during/post RT. In the end, he was prescribed Nystatin (3 bottles so it arguably wasn't working effectively) and then Fluconazole, and eventually it went (probably of its own accord).  My nephew - an oncologist - said that they always prescribe both together to get full effect, so again, each hospital trust will have different protocols. I think that with a lot of cancer related things, taking Fluconanzole in the grand scheme is probably a risk worth taking. Hope it's getting sorted now. 

    My husband was diagnosed with HPV+ SCC BoT aged 57 in December 2019. He received 30 fractions of radiotherapy and 2 doses of Cisplatin in Jan/Feb 2020. 
  • Hi Piya! I’ve had oral thrush too. I first tried Nystan, but it didn’t work for me. Then I used Diflucan (Fluconazole), ordered it from this pharmacy at a great price – health-delivery24.com/buy-diflucan-uk.html. The order arrived quickly, and it worked perfectly! I took one 150mg dose, and within a day, I felt much better. I didn’t have any liver issues, but I made sure to keep in touch with my doctor. If Nystan didn’t work for you, Fluconazole might be worth a try.

    Just keep your doctor updated!