Just been for barium swallow , waiting for results , my symptoms are not great so hopefully don't have long to wait .

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  • 74 subscribers


  • Hi Petstay, Welcome to the community, yes they are normally available or an indication from the Radiologist at the time, well at least mine was the first time a few years ago, I’m having another one this month which was booked by my speech therapists and it’s a video one and them and the radiology team have the results instantly.
    hope all is well with you, waiting for results from any check up is difficult,

    Take care Tony

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    Onwards and UpwardsWink Laryngectomy and OC survivor 

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  • What are your symptoms, Petstay? 

  • Feels like something  stuck in throat, 6cm hiatus  hernia, lanzaporal not working,  pain in upper tummy and belching 

  • My husband just felt like his food was getting stuck lower down. Which it was. His tumour is at the GOJ. No acid reflux or belching for him. No pain until chemo started.