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I’m very new to all this. Diagnosed with S4 in March and now part of a clinical trial at UCLH. Fortnightly chemo/immuno. So far no terrible side effects and actually feeling pretty good for a reasonably fit 77 yo. How long can I expect that to last? 

  • WelcomeDavid. Sorry to hear about your diagnosis, but glad you are on treatment and finding it tolerable.

    Are you willing to share any more details about yourself? e.g. What trial are you on and what immunotherapy regiment?

  • Hello David 

    I am going to make an assumption you are T4 or S4, not having an operation but are have chemo and immunotherapy, is this because of where the tumour is? 
    For me I was T3 N2 M0, I had chemo, op. Chemo 6mths ago.

    I attend a local support group in Portsmouth for patient that have an upper GI diagnosis, I met a guy there last time who was unable to have the operation and has been able to keep the tumour at bay for several years, chemo and immunotherapy.

    Hope this helps and is the answer you were looking for. 
    I find if I ask my team a direct question I get a direct answer. Check to see if you have a support group in your area.

    keep being positive, if your feeling great your doing something right.

    stay strong Jennie SparklesSunflower

  • Thanks for that - very helpful. Mine is inoperable due to position apparently. Still feel very well despite occasional side effects. Best wishes to you.  David