GOJ cancer

  • 5 replies
  • 70 subscribers

My husband has recently been diagnosed with this and there is no treatment option available. I am dealing with the feeding issues with the help of professionals but am wondering what is the likely scenario of progression of the disease? He is still mentally active and physically active although he tires easily. I would like to be prepared i.e. to have some idea of what symptoms to look out for and possible action to be taken apart from calling in the medics.

  • Have you asked for a second opinion? It seems strange that there is no treatment?

  • The cancer is too far advanced and as he is over 90 and has potential heart problems, there is no treatment other than palliative. I just wonder what is likely to be in store for us so I can be prepared.

  • Stringplayer 

    I am sorry to hear the hardest journey  you are going on . It's easy to say things to you but everyone  is on a diffrent  journey.  

    Speak to your specialist  nurses and get all the help and advice  you can get . Try and stay strong  for each other I wish I could  be more help 

    Nic nac

  • Has he been referred to the Palliative Care/Adult Social Care team? They are responsible for symptom management and, if wanted, will discuss end-of-life care and what to expect. My husband was referred to them when they thought the diarrhea was going to kill him, and we were grateful for the support - carers at home; visits from physios; delivery of a huge range of helpful equipment, as well as referrals to nutritionists. They will also have links with  local hospices and will deal with pain management. He was lucky enough to be discharged from Palliative Care for the time being. Apologies if you know this already. Best wishes.

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to write this. Today we received a visit from two community nurses providing cancer support in this rural area and they were fantastically reassuring about helping us when we need it. Equipment on the way, medication reviewed and a phone number to ring whenever. I think we both feel happier abut facing the future whatever it brings. And I'm getting to grips with the feeding issues. Mashed potato is the way, it's surprising what you can combine it with to make an interesting, tasty meal.