Hello. I was diagnosed with Oesophageal cancer

  • 14 replies
  • 70 subscribers

I was diagnosed with Oesophagegeal cancer 3 weeks ago. My growth is relatively small at the moment, about 2cm. However, its very painful when I swallow, especially the first 4 to 5 mouthfuls. I've been asked to make a decision regarding treatment.  They are recommending Chemo and radio therapy, followed by major surgery involving the removal of my Oesophagus and stretching my stomach up to replace it. If I opt out of surgery, then they will use intensive Chemo and radio therapy. I've also been told that I will have breathing problems for the rest of my life, which at the moment, I don't. I really don't know which way to go with this. I would appreciate anyone who has had to make this decision and gone either way. It would be very helpful to learn from your experience. 

  • Everybody is different,. Today one week after chemo I am a bit rough so keeping in mind chemo is responsible I am keeping my head down.

  • Hi Steraw

    I just wanted to pop by and say Hi, you have had so many great replies so far, but  I wanted you to know that we are all here for you.

    How are things going at the moment, have you had any further thoughts on your treatment choices?


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  • Hi. Thank you.  Yes, I've decided, with the help from replies on here, that I'm going for the surgery.  I signed the consent form yesterday. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed now.

  • Wow, a big step forwards and quite an anxious time for you I'm sure....

    Stay positive... keep strong and focus on everything working out ok in the end

    Good luck.


    Call the helpline for free on 08088080000, 8am to 8pm everyday.
    Tomorrow is not promised but it always has potential. Aim for your potential!