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Hi Everyone,

I messaged a few weeks back about my very close friend who has been diagnosed. He has since had a CT scan and then an ultrasound as he is allergic to iodine so the scan could not be performed properly. He went for results today and they couldn’t really tell him much as they need to do a PET scan to have clearer images. He has to wait another 2 weeks for this. The one thing they did say is that the ultra sound shows a shadow on the liver. Like everyone I have gone straight to google and now scared this shadow is showing it has spread to his liver. I just wondered if anyone has had experience with this. The waiting is just awful and now with Christmas coming I am not sure if he will wait longer . Thank you 

  • Sorry to hear this but I’m sure you are a great strength to him and it’s good that he has someone he can share his feeling with rather than trying to put a brave face on ! Yes I vomited as soon as I ate anything and now can’t even keep water down as it comes back up ! I did get pain in my chest and back prior to vomiting but would go as soon as brought something up ! I do hope you get some answers soon !

    sending hugs 


  • Thank you Tricia. I am just so worried that all this waiting will only see him get worse and eventually not be able to eat anything. Just can’t understand why they make you wait so long. Did you have to wait weeks? x

  • Well ,, be because I hadn’t eaten for about 6 weeks I was admitted to hospital for fluids and liquid food in October. I really did not think it was cancer because I had a endoscopy in may and was given the all clear so it came as a bit of a surprise! I was admitted to the BRI in Bristol and they were fabulous it took a month to get all the results from CT scan US endoscopy CT Pet scan and laparoscopy but was lucky as got the results straight away and had a plan from the off once they knew I was on a curable path. They have given me the faith that I will get through this ! The wait to start chemo was the longest as I had to wait for a cancellation last chemo is 16th Jan and I am already booked for CT scan after that so I guess I was lucky if you can call OC cancer lucky lol 

    sending hugs 


  • Oh wow you poor thing. Are you still struggling eating? I just hope he gets his PET scan soon so we know the next steps. Look after yourself and thank you for your support x

  • No still can’t eat anything ! But I’ve got used to that now fortunately I have no pain ! 

  • My husband is being treated at Musgrove Park Taunton and BRI. Chemo in Taunton and surgery will be BRI.

  • I am also being treated at the BRI upper GI team they are fantastic chemo at south Bristol 

    spent a month A800 can’t speak highly enough of them

    take care Tricia