Brothers treatment woes

  • 1 reply
  • 51 subscribers
  1. My brother got diagnosed with OC in December 22 I believe it is stage 4 and has spread to lymph nodes and to his hip. Because of the spread surgery isn't an option. He's unable to eat and is finding it difficult to drink anything but water, he's lost quite a bit of weight and is finding it all quite difficult. Because of the not eating and losing weight he is finding chemo difficult as it's making him dehydrated. Beginning of March his chemo had to be paused as he was rushed to hospital with severe dehydration and stomach pains. After taking a month out he's not doing much better and today has restarted chemo. Our worry is that chemo isn't right for him in this state and his cancer is getting worse just feel like we are going 2 steps forward and 1 step back. Anyone else had this issue before? 
  • Hi  ,

    Thank you for reaching out on the Online Community, I'm Eliza from the Community team. 

    I hope you've been finding it helpful to read through other members' experiences. Hopefully you will hear back from someone else who has been through a similar experience soon. 

    I just want to let you know that we would always recommend getting in touch with your brother's GP, medical team or NHS 111 if you feel that your brother needs further medical help. 

    I'd also like to let you know that you can also ask our nurse specialists for clinical advice. They can't access your brother's medical history but they can offer advice around chemotherapy and NHS processes. you can contact our nurse specialists and other support teams on the  Support Line 7 days a week, 8am-8pm on freephone 0808 808 00 00email or live webchat

    If you would like any further help around the Online Community, you can get back in touch with the Community team over email to

    Take care,

    Macmillan Community Team