It's back already! Brain tumour back 10 weeks after husband's surgery

  • 17 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi everyone I'm new here and never done this before.

My husband who is 55 had his brain tumour removed 10 weeks ago and is meant to start radio and chemo next week. However, we are currently waiting in A&E as he displayed stroke like symptoms and has then had 2 facial seizures. They've CT scanned and the tumour is back at 2.4cm in a different section of his brain but close to previous section. We don't know what the plan is yet. Just more waiting. We expected it to come back and feel like it might not be so big if treatment had started a little sooner. We've been waiting for his treatment to start as a positive and now it feels like the plans might change. I don't now what happens next, except I have to tell our children it's back!

Thank you for reading


  • So sorry to hear this , my wife had two operations the last one on the third of may, had a scan last want the tumour had grown slightly. We’re the same waiting for treatment. We have two kids age 22 and 20 not really kids but how do you tell them, my wife’s 53 and I’m 55. God bless you all and sending love

  • we’re starting radiotherapy and chemo on Wednesday, to have nice times before then. Don’t really know how long we have and I’m angry confused depressed every emotion. 

  • Heartbroken that 315 days after diagnosis, on the 8th May our battle was lost. Broken heartCry

    My heart goes out to you all having to go through this. Xx 

  • Hi Danny20, I understand exactly how you're feeling. This disease is devastating, unfair and takes over your life. I hope the treatment is successful and makes a difference. 

    Wishing you lots of special moments together. 

    Take care x

  • Thank you SRR. I am so sorry about your wife. It's so sad to read how many people are going through this. It's so devastating I don't know what else to say.

    Look after you x

  • so sorry to hear this. Sending love and light and hugs. Life is too cruel for words sometimes.

    Please remember that this community is still here for you.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I am so sorry to hear this. This one tough battle you and your family have endured. May he be in comfort and joy now; not bonded with this cruel disease. My family member has now battled his for 5 plus years, I know that drag. Take care,