Well but occasionally wobbles!

  • 3 replies
  • 14 subscribers
  1. I am well, 18 months after chemo for DBCL.  Every so often a little thought enters your head - why am I hot?  Why am I tired?  Is that a lump?  My specialist nurse team have been fantastic as have the medical team.  Blood tests and CT completed all still good in this hood!  Don't be afraid of asking questions.  I have been so lucky, I hope you guys are OK too.  Sending positive vibes
  • Hi again….. oh the post treatment part of the journey is a ‘mindset’ battle as your senses are heighten and what once would have been put down to ‘normal’ life stuff will grow arms and legs.

    Good that you have done the sensible thing and got yourself checked out……. it takes time to develop the ability to listen to your body and trust your body.

    It’s important to develop tools to ‘live’ in the post treatment world - here are a few suggestions.

    This great paper After Treatment Finishes - Then What? by Dr Peter Harvey as it highlights the post treatment milestones.

    I went to our local Maggie's Centre and did their ‘Where now?’ Course - it was excellent.

    Lymphoma Action also run an excellent one day on-line course called Live your Life 

    Lymphoma Action run regular Lymphoma Online Support Groups...... I highly recommend these groups as there is nothing better than talking with other who are navigating the same post treatment journey.


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Hi I'm delighted with your good news, my husband George had just finished his treatment for DLBCL and now we are waiting on a date for his scan to see if it has worked.  I seem to be constantly anxious wondering what if?  Driving myself mad with all the thoughts going on in my mind, and he is taking  it in his stride, very laid back, I know from this group that that this type of cancer is very treatable but I'm still worried, but I'm so delighted you are well and I hope and pray that we will get good news soon good luck and will try and take inn the positive vibes you are sending


  • I think it is understandable to get wobbles from time to time.

    I'm further down the line than you but they still sneak up from time to time. Usually when I am coming up yo check-up  times. Same sort of things waking up too hot, tiredness etc. As you have done I know I can get in touch with the hospital or Gp if anything persisted.