Hi …over the moon

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Hi …over the moon …just to give you all our news and hope for the future …hubby , R-CHOP , heart scan, pet scan  5th ROUND ,6th cancelled ,….RESULTS …scary, scanxiety…oh my days what a horrible but necessary journey …DLBCL has LEFT THE BUILDING xxxHeart eyes

  • That's fantastic news.  Go celebrate!

  • Absolutely …lots of happy tears and huge hugs yesterday …he’s still to receive 3 weeks of radio therapy..just to mop up any teeny cells that may be hiding …but in the words of the consultant …we can’t say you’re cured…but you’re cured …haha absolutely ecstatic…the light at the end of that horrible tunnel finally shone through …there’s hope for everybody , stay strong , go with it …and in the words of Mike the highlander…buy the ticket , just don’t get on the train …that head space and over thinking was probably the worse …just stay strong and keep going , love and hugs to you all ….xxx

  • That's fantastic news! Congratulations! The road to recovery will be tough but keep moving forward and things will start to feel like the new normal.

    I had to have radiotherapy as well for prevention. Once that’s done your husband can start rebuilding his life.

  • Mr v ..not sure what to expect ….does it make you I’ll x 

  • Well this is great news and truly worthy of a celebration…… when a consultant says they are any way happy you need to be delighted.

    I had Radiotherapy for other reasons but I had no real problems with it. It was more the hassle of the long machine setting up periods but the treatments were over in minutes. I did get fatigue but this was due to the regular trips up and down to the hospital and just watch out for dry skin.

    Fiona reminded me to give you the link to a paper we find very helpful. So make a cuppa then you and hubby have a carful look at this great paper After Treatment Finishes - Then What? by Dr Peter Harvey as it highlights the post treatment milestones.

    Fiona is convinced that she found the mental challenges of the final 1/3rd of the journey just as hard as the first 2/3rds……. The first 1/3rd was the journey to diagnosis and the second 1/3rd being the treatments.

    Do come back with your thoughts and questions about the way forward ((hugs))

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

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  • Fabulous!  I have the same, stage 2 and it is gone as well.  Are they asking to have radiation?

  • Hi , beautiful life 

    he had to have 15 rounds , although painless it was a nightmare of 3 weeks of daily ( mon - fri) treatment that only lasted 8 mins …with a 5 hour round trip on most of these days …the skin goes very dry afterwords and red . 
    he’s since been blue lighted into hospital, totally unrelated to the lymphoma, with 4 blood clots in one of his legs, he’s on meds for this now …then he had a sore developing on his foot , totally dry , showed it various doctors , all said it was ok , now it’s ulcerated and a district nurse is having to come out and dress it , he’s on antibiotics now also …oh and he’s had a heart attack , but we didn’t know about that one lol 

    had none of the above happened he would be well on the way to recovery …all unrelated to the lymphoma…we will get there one day xxx