Richter’s Transformation - 1st week of R CHOP

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Had CLL for just over 3 years which has been kept under control by firstly Ibrutinib and for past 2 years Venetoclax so huge shock when I became unwell a few weeks ago and it was confirmed I have Richter’s Transformation. Had 1st R CHOP last Tuesday and today is 5th day on steroids, then I have 2 “normal” weeks and start cycle 2 after that. This is for 18 weeks. My question is has anyone else suffered with severe muscle pain? This started yesterday and I feel that I have been kicked by a horse!! My right side is agony and you can actually see the swollen muscles. Hoping it will go as quickly as it arrived. Thanks for any help.

  • Absolutely no need to apologise - we are all here for the same reason! I do hope your husband is back to his normal lovely self very soon. Well, this week has been a trial. Still in pain all over my body and if I cough it hurts so much but mentally I feel “normal” and am enjoying the gorgeous weather. I have some morphine for the pain now and laxatives to counteract the morphine Joy. Blood test showed neutrophils are 1.6 so need to take care. Have a good weekend. x

  • Good morning , yes threads do often go off on tangents….. but that is so indicative of the cancer Rollercoaster we all unwillingly find ourselves on.

    We have been on my NHL rollercoaster for over 23 years now so we have had time to assimilate it all into ‘normal’ living.

    It’s the start of our 2nd granddaughters birthday week (yes birthdays do tend to last a week in our family) so lots of fun, food and a few cakes this week.

    All the problems he is having I can relate to. I suffered heart damage following my final chemo back in Oct 2015…… I ended up in the CCU unit very ill, but here I am, 6 1/2 years on doing great although I did have a heart attack back in April but a few stents and some meds for life later has fixed this.

    I have suffered Spinal Osteoarthritis for over 20 years and lived on pain killers and anti inflammatory meds but remarkably following my second Stem Cell Transplant I have not had any problems and no meds!!!!

    He has got himself into the ‘I can’t do anything spiral’ the problem is the less he dies the longer this is going to take. The words no pain no gain ring very loud and clear unfortunately. 

    My long suffering wife Fiona managed to look past the challenging times, she never took anything I did and said seriously as she knew ‘it was not me’ it was all part of the recovery but at the same time she did not come to my pity me parties……. she went out for a coffee with a friend to unwind. But at the start I had told her that she had to make sure she stepped away from things so it did not effect her physical and mental well-being.

    During it all we always remember that we had close friends who were going through far worse like a friend who has Parkinson’s and another with MS…….. there is no light at the end of the tunnel for them and their families…… unlike us who find the light rather quickly.

    You could akways let home read my profile Stuck out tongue winking eye


    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Ethel Morphine and Laxatives…… oh gosh you are bringing back some memories.

    Neuts of 1.6 in my book is rather amazing as my Neuts were below 1.0 for months and months and even now 6+ years on they sit just above 2.0.

    Have a great weekend and stay sun safe.

    Mike (Thehighlander)

    It always seems impossible until its done - Nelson Mandela

    Community Champion Badge

  • Morning Ethel …hoping you’re feeling a little better, I just thought I’d update you on my hubby …he’s still having pain, lower right leg , to be honest I don’t think it’s cramp I think it’s the after chemo side effects…I’m trying to get him to take paracetamol before bed , when he does this he has a pain free sleep , when he doesn’t, it’s back to the 4 am rubbing his leg, getting him the paracetamol….MEN!!!! 
    I had to see my doctor, about my own well being …as Mike said the pity party train is to be avoided , sooooo, like Fiona, mikes wife, I went out on Saturday with my daughter, we had a pedicure, then off to ikea for a parasol …sack that and their silly delivery charges, still havnt got a parasol haha…then had a minor bump in the car …car rolled forward, slightly grazed a parked car and now the guy is saying that this minor bump.has damaged his bonnet lock …WHAT!!!! …anyway left hubby alone for 5 hours , and just thought , I’m getting MY life back instead of keep worrying over him …it’s done me AND him the world of good ….however….because I’ve been on the pity train with him my doctor has suggested counselling, which I’m going to take up …I’m hoping    that this helps me, I’m usually a REALLY strong woman …but this has been a journey that I’ll be glad to see the back of…just not yet …stay strong Ethel, and like other posts have said…buy the ticket, just don’t get on the train xxx