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cant believe I’m here - surely not me - no one in my family gets cancer … this can’t be happening…

 I had an mri scan to check out my fibroids and they found a worrying lesion on my cervix .

The consultant examined me but said my cervix looked healthy so I’m really confused …

MDT meeting this Wednesday .  How long after do we generally hear what the next step is?

Since the examination I’ve had a lot of pelvic and back pain.  Although it strangely does seem to move around all on my left side.  I’ve also got spotting since the examination.

Feels so unreal, I’m weirdly quite calm most of time but night time is hard .. wake up unable to sleep, mind whirling.

Haven’t told anyone else apart from hubby.  When did you tell family ?  Should I await official diagnosis? 

Is there anything I should/ shouldn’t be doing, whilst waiting?

I work long hours, should I rest more? Should I exercise?

sorry for rambling post and sorry that you are also hereDisappointed

  • I think a face to face meeting would be really helpful for you. Those lesion measurements do seem quite large to be removed in a LLETZ, and it’s very important to know that there were clear margins achieved. 

    I don’t want to cause you any unnecessary worry, but things can be missed. For example, the type of cervical cancer I had-adenocarcinoma-starts higher up in the cervix in the glandular cells and can be missed on a smear. So I think it’s important to know that absolutely everything has been checked. It’s important to advocate for yourself, I have learned that over the years-ask questions and seek answers. A gp is not a specialist, so it’s important to see the right person with specialist knowledge. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • HI

    Hope everyone is ok and managing to enjoy some of this lovely weather in the UK.

    Further to me receiving the fantastic news that my biopsy results were negative I was still worried as the mri scan reported a lesion  on my lower cervix 1.7cm x 2.5 cm as well as bilateral parametrium fat stranding.

    i I managed to get a face to face consultation with my consultant who basically said he couldn’t comment on the mri results as he didn’t do them but he had done his job and as far as he was concerned I was in the clear.

    i said I would like to know what the lesion was and if they did actually get it when they did biopsy as they couldn’t see anything.

    Therefore he emailed the radiologist on my behalf for clarity.

    I’ve just received this back:

    that the change in signal intensity in the anterior lip of cervix is an incidental finding as there is no abnormality noted on diffusion and post contrast imaging.

    Does that now mean I can breath a huge sigh of relief and stop stressing??

  • Hi  

    Unfortunately none of us here can or should comment on whether this means everything is ok as we don’t have medical knowledge. 

    If I were you, I’d still want the results further clarified by the consultant and would suggest that the following questions might be useful, since you’ve said you had negative biopsy results was that from a LLETZ?).

    1.Where was the biopsy taken taken from and does a negative result mean that no pre cancerous or cancerous cells were found? Is further treatment required? 

    2. What could the lesion be, and does it need to be removed? 

    3. What does bilateral parametrial fat stranding mean and does it have any implications? 

    Your consultant should be able to clarify what the radiologist has said in plain language-no medical jargon- and it feels like he is passing the buck here! Simply passing results on to you without explaining what the radiologist means wouldn’t, for me, be satisfactory. 

    Incidental findings on a scan are quite common, and don’t necessarily mean anything sinister-I’ve had 2 separate incidental findings on scans myself, but they were both explained to me by the consultant.

    I’m not sure I would personally be completely reassured so far, and I would want peace of mind by having a better explanation. I hope all will be fine, but let us know how you get on.

    Sarah xx

    Did he explain would happen next? 

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm