Just diagnosed 3C1

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  • 32 subscribers

I’m 35 and just been diagnosed with 3C1 cervical cancer - 7cm tumour which has spread to lower part of the uterus, parametrium and pelvic lymph nodes.

Feels very strange to be writing about it in the open like this, as I’ve always been a very private person and deal with things on my own - but I’m hoping that other ladies who are/have been on this same path can provide me with info/support to help me on this journey I’d rather not find myself on!

Sometimes I think it’s easier to open up to strangers who have no emotional connect to you, than to family who are (understandably) emotionally involved.

Particularly as I’ve always been the strong one.

I lost my husband nearly 10 years ago and have a 12 year old daughter - she’s my motivation to get through this as her sole sieving parent!

Treatment will be radical chemoradiation

Have to have PET-CT next week and then will meet consultant oncologist - until now I’ve been seeing a gynae oncologist, but as surgery isn’t the best way forward I won’t see him again.

I tend to compartmentalise things (coping mechanism I’m sure) so haven’t cried or been upset (yet!) have just tried to absorb as much information as possible at this stage. I’m sure that will change, and they’ll be emotional days ahead. I don’t underestimate how challenging the treatment will be. One thing I’m particularly dreading is if I lose my hair. Does this normally happen with the chemo they use for CC?

Anyway, thank you in advance for any advice!