Persistent HPV

  • 3 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Hi All – I will say I’m really struggling with the lack of online support there is available for cervical cancer now that Jo’s has shut down; happy to have found somewhere else!

Little History – First Smear Dec ’23, HPV pos. and abnormal cells. Colposcopy in Jan 24 which showed CIN1 & CIN2 over all 4 quadrants of cervix, had a LLETZ in April ’24 which was successful. Had my test of cure recently which still indicated HPV, but thankfully no more abnormal cells.

I suppose I’m asking what I can do about my persistent HPV infection. I asked originally after my LLETZ around re-infection, as it seemed to me given the fact my boyfriend would also be HPV positive given I was, would I not just continue to be re-infected? The nurses re-assured me that this is unlikely to be the case, as you do build up an immunity over time, however I was having CIN2 in the first place due to my immune systems inability to clear the virus? I am acutely aware of my poor immune system of recent years, with a bout of shingles at 23, HPV and mumps.

Does this story resonate with anyone? I’m just very frustrated at my own body for not being able to clear this, as I have really tried hard since LLETZ to support my body to clear the virus; feel hopeless in that this is something I will have to deal with for my whole life :/

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I’m not aware personally of anything you can do about persistent hpv, other than try to keep your immune system as healthy as possible-healthy diet, no smoking etc. It sounds like you’re young, so it can be easier for younger women to clear it-typically in a couple of years. However, that is clear in the sense of making it dormant and not causing issues as it’s not something that can be cured. 

    It sounds like you’re doing your best to clear it and it may be that the next cervical screening will have a negative result as the virus can come and go. Keeping on top of regular cervical screening will identify the virus now as a first check, so that will enable any abnormalities in the future to be dealt with quickly.

    From my point of view, I don’t give hpv any thought-I had hpv driven cervical cancer, I have the virus in my system, but I don’t spend time thinking or worrying about it. 

    Discussion about hpv and treatment does come up in the group, but most ladies are posting about their diagnosis or treatment of cervical cancer. There are support groups online more specifically for CIN and hpv, but I can’t link to them in this forum unfortunately as it’s against the forum rules.

    You’ve had a good result from your test of cure, so maybe that will be reassuring for you moving forward? 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Hi Sarah,

    Thank you for the reply. I've been referred back to colposcopy regardless (as I think that is the pathway for HPV pos. after LLETZ) so I will hopefully gain some more clarity over next steps.

    I know stress is a huge factor in a reduced immune system, so really trying to focus on this going forward!

  • Yes, that’s my understanding of the process after LLETZ too. It’s good to be monitored so well to pick up anything untoward quickly. 

    Stress is absolutely a big factor in your immune system, and I believe it most certainly was in my own situation, so anything you can do to reduce that is always beneficial.

    As regards your partner, I was with my husband for almost 25 years, and my understanding has always been that both of us would have had hpv but would build a level of immunity to it over time rather than it being a re infection of the same strain or strains of hpv. The fact that there is no test for men means that can’t be confirmed though.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm