Colposcopy / LLETZ / Biopsy Results

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I'm not sure what I'm looking for here, other than to offload the many questions and feelings I have, which I know won't be answered until my appointment. 

Smear due last October (1yr overdue), but I was pregnant. Followed by miscarriage at 12 weeks, with D&C at Christmas. Had multiple transvaginal ultrasounds while pregnant, as well as left-over tissue 1-mth later and was back in A&E. Gynae sent me away would not scan me. Next morning some tissue came out. They scanned me and confirmed 'all clear' of course. 

Since miscarriage I have continued with LOTS of creamy discharge (odourless), which I explained to GP and at smear. 

Smear booked for April was cancelled due to staffing issues.

Smear on 31 May which showed High-risk HPV / Abnormal Cells / ?Glandular Neoplasia (transformation zone cells present)

Colposcopy on 18 June.

Told I would need LLETZ before they completed the colposcopy so signed documents.

They were unable to do LLETZ as 'area unsuitable for see and treat' - she said my vagina may have been damaged if they did the procedure. 

They 'had to remove lots of discharge' and nurse consultant was called in to do biopsies not the Dr who initially started.

Endometrial biopsy and multiple punch biopsies taken.

'If LLETZ required would need to be done under general day surgery'. 

I was a mess with all the memories of December, shaking and upset of course, which probably didn't help them. 

Had a call today for a F2F appointment on 8 July with a consultant.

I am terrified. 

Are biopsy results always delivered face to face?

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I’m so sorry to read about your miscarriage and the stress and worry you are now facing.

    I’ve had biopsies taken on two different occasions and received a face to face appointment each time, but different hospitals have different policies on this so it can depend.

    I preferred having results given in person it allows the opportunity to have things explained and any further treatment to be discussed. 

    As you weren’t able to have the LLETZ treatment at the time, and you need to have it done as a day case surgery, it would seem quite natural to have a face to face to face appointment with the consultant to talk it through. Obviously, you don’t know just yet what the biopsy results indicate, but I’m assuming that will form the basis of your discussion.

    It’s hard not to be scared at the thought that something might be wrong, but it’s best for now to focus on what you do know rather than imagine something which may not happen or may not apply to you. 

    I hope you’ll let us know how you get on, and at least you don’t have long to wait to see the consultant which is good. If you need have any other questions, please just ask and we’ll do our best to help.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah - really appreciate your reply. 

    I had a call this morning after yesterdays appointment for 8 July was confirmed and they have now decided overnight not to send me to Gynae Outpatients Consultant, but back to see Colposcopist? 

    8 July cancelled but to expect an appointment to come through in next two weeks for Colposcopist. 

    Feeling very confused. Weary

  • Hi  

    Thats a strange you have someone you can contact to ask the reason for the change? It’s obviously going to mean a bit of a delay for you to be seen, which is stressful for you if you’ve had no explanation. I hope you can find out why the colposcopist needs to look again.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah - a friend also suggested I call back to ask for a bit more clarity. Just scared to understand more I guess! x

  • Hi.

    I think everywhere is different. I had biopsies last year and again this year. Each time I received the results by letter. Unfortunately, I received a text telling me that I had an appointment prior to the second letter arriving. When I rang the hospital to find out why, they had scheduled me for a LLETZ. 

    On the day, the nurse was unable to complete the LLETZ because she couldn't get a good view and said it would be "unsafe" to continue. I am now recovering from a LLETZ under general anaesthetic. 

    I'm awaiting my results and pretty nervous. I have persistent HPV and the information I received to take home stated they observed high grade changes.

    I hope all goes smoothly for you. Try not to worry too much. 

  • Hi there - thanks for sharing your experience.

    I really hope everything goes well for you with your results. Heart

    I've received a digital letter today now stating that the MDT have been asked to review my results which will take a few weeks. 

    I think I'm going to call them for an overview of what they have found to put my mind at ease.

    I respect whatever it is the fact that MDT are involved a plan needs to be put in place for any sort of care, cancer or not. 

  • Hi again  

    MDT meetings normally happen weekly, so a few weeks for results does seem quite a long time to wait. I’d definitely agree to giving a call to see if you can get any information about what they can tell you for now.

    When biopsies have been taken, it’s normal for patients to be discussed at the MDT to discuss the plan of action going forward. I was told when the MDT would meet and then advised of the plan pretty quickly after that. 

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • Thanks Sarah 

    I feel confused as I was given an appoint for 8 July with Womens Health Outpatients Consultant, on Monday this week.

    Then the morning after was told overnight a decision had been made to send me back to Colposcopy Consult instead, and I should receive an app in a couple of weeks. 

    Now a letter states they have my results and the Colp Team has 'asked their colleagues in MDT to review, which will take a few weeks before they can provide me with the final plan.' 

    I know I should call them, I'm simply scared as you know. But I guess I can't change the outcome, so I need to decide if I want to know more now, or when they contact me Pensive

  • I also went on to the NHS App this morning and my referral to Gynaecology has been completely removed...

  • How confusing for you! I understand it can be scary to find out more-I know that feeling well-but I guess you need to weigh up how much benefit you would gain from finding out more at the moment. 

    Ultimately the mdt meeting will decide any plan, so you may not be able to find out more at present. Do you already know the level of abnormal cells found-ie CIN1, 2 or 3? High risk hpv is what is being tested for, and you know you have that, but the level of CIN might give an indication of what treatment would be required. 

    I would think it odd if cancer had been identified from any biopsies you wouldn’t get answers for some weeks. Waiting is probably the worst part of getting a diagnosis and treatment and it is difficult to go through that, and very stressful for you.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm