possible endometrial cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 22 subscribers
  • hi i’m new to this group , i’m 54 , and have back pain and pelvic pain for a few years , i’ve not taken any notice and i started bleeding for about two weeks ( i had a mirens coil in for 7 years , so just had that removed , and then went for a tv and ultrasound it’s come back that i have thickening of the uterus 17mm , so i have to wait for a gynaecology appointment for a biopsy , i’m just so scared 
  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    I’m sorry to read what’s going on for you, and it’s very natural to feel scared when something of concern has been found and we need some more tests.

    Time seems to drag when we are waiting for things to happen, and we’re desperate for things to go more quickly. Having the biopsy will hopefully provide answers for you, but try not to think too far ahead about a possible diagnosis when nothing is yet confirmed.

    We have a group in the community specifically for Womb Cancer, so I’d like to suggest that you might join that in addition to this group. I’m not suggesting that because I think you have cancer, but because if you do have a cancer diagnosis, the treatment for womb and cervical cancer is different, so it’s important to be reading relevant information. You just need to click on the link I have made and it will take you right there-

    Womb Cancer Forum

    Please come back and let us know how you get on and if there’s anything further we can do to help you. I hope you don’t have too long to wait now for your biopsy and results.

    Sarah xx

    Community Champion Badge

    Cervical Cancer Forum

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm