Diahorrea after treatment

  • 2 replies
  • 28 subscribers


I have cervical cancer and I am suffering from diahorrea due to my treatment. I have been given loperamide to take but it doesn’t seem to be working. I have been eating low fibre foods as suggested by my consultant but it is still happening. I know this is a common side effect and my consultant knows about it but I just wondered if anyone has any advice. I am not eating much because I have the diahorrea. I have been told to eat little and often. I have 3 more sessions of radiotherapy this week and next week I have brachytherapy. I really don’t want to be having diahorrea when I am having brachytherapy as I will have to use a bed pan. 

  • Hi  and welcome to our group.

    It seems like you’re doing all the right things at the moment with your diet and use of loperamide. I remember this time well-I had some really awful diarrhoea from 3 weeks into my treatment, and was doing just as you are doing. Some of us seem to be more badly affected than others with this. I thought it would never end but this became much better very quickly after my treatment finished (and never came back!)

    I can completely understand your worry about the brachytherapy, although I didn’t have this part of the treatment personally. Can I ask what type of brachytherapy you are having? Are you in hospital as an inpatient to have this done over 18-24 hours? Or are you attending for weekly sessions?

    The nurses will be well used to patients having diarrhoea, and honestly they will be ok with this-they are experienced in dealing with it.  I’d let them know when you go in for the treatment so they are aware of your worries about this. 

    You are nearly finished with the radiotherapy, and that is a big achievement because it can be tough going. Once the brachytherapy is done you can start to recover. For now it’s a case of gritting your teeth and getting through this last bit.

    I hope some of the other ladies come by to share their treatment experience with you-you haven’t said what stage of cancer you have, but I can tag in other ladies if you’re happy to share this info.

    Sarah xx

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  • Hello

    I suffered with the same problem ( as soon as I ate anything it went straight through me)!  I was advised to only eat vegetables that grow below ground and avoid vegetables that grow above ground . If that helps. Also, yoghurt fish and some cereals. My niece has Crohn's disease, she was very helpful in relation to diet. 
