Going in for brachytherapy tomorrow

  • 4 replies
  • 28 subscribers

I’m absolutely terrified. I feel completely sick. I have a phobia of medical procedures and I just don’t think there are enough meds in the world to help me through this with my sanity. Please, can anyone tell me it’s not going to be as bad as I think it is? 

  • Hi Frenchie

    I don’t think anything is as bad as we think it’s going to be, but I haven’t had brachytherapy because I wasn’t allowed it. I don’t think it will be as bad as your mind has imagined but I don’t have your phobia and we all deal with things differently. I certainly would rather have had brachytherapy than what I went through with my particular surgery.

    I’m glad you haven’t refused to go, so I’d see that as a positive. It’s a really, really important part of treatment, especially with stage 3 cancer. Maybe if I’d been able to have I wouldn’t have had a recurrence 9 months after my chemoradiation finished and was in a far worse position.

    The staff will help you as must as they can, but ultimately you need to do it and I hope you can. 

    Sarah xx

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  • Hi there Frenchie 

    I had the brachytherapy and was also terrified!

    I hope you are as surprised as I was when I had it, cos it sounds awful when you read up about what happens, but I can say it goes quite smoothly, the staff are wonderful and very understanding. 

    Go for it....x

  • Did you have it inpatient over one week? I’ve got to go in tomorrow afternoon. Tuesday morning spinal and anaesthetic. Then I have to lay flat for 3 days. As soon as I can walk on Thursday evening, I’m going to go home. They said they’ll let me go Friday morning but if I can wee and walk, I’m going to go home to my kids and hug them. 

    im terrified of the whole thing. 

  • I had it as a day patient (they allowed me to go home in the evenings, if I could stand up and go to the loo)! I had my treatment, one day each week for 3 weeks, so they had to repeat the same thing every week. By the time the 3rd treatment came round, I knew what to expect and it didn't cause me any anxiety. whereby you are having yours all at once, so, maybe they will just be topping your meds up rather than having to start from scratch each day, like me . 

    I would have preferred having it all at once I think Thinking