Switching from Paclitaxel to Ablaxane

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  • 278 subscribers

Three weeks ago I had a bad reaction to my first dose of paclitaxel. I then had two chemo sessions cancelled due to high infection markers and today my bloods were good and they decided to go ahead but giving me extra steroids and anti histamine plus infusing at a slower rate. However I still had the same bad reaction (flushing, nausea, loose bowels, generally feeling very unwell) and they decided to stop and arranged for me to switch to Ablaxane next time. It is supposed to be better tolerated. I just wondered if anyone else had had to make this switch as hypersensitivity is apparently quite common. 

D x

  • Hi Dee Dee 61 I have TNBC Stage 1 Grade 3 and had a bad reaction on my first Paclitaxel infusion.  They had to call a doctor and he stopped the treatment as my oxygen levels really dropped.  It was pretty scary I felt really weird!  The following week I was put on Abraxane and it was fine much to my relief.  I finished Phase 1 on Fri 7 Feb of 12 weekly treatments which was Pembro, Abraxane and Carboplatin every 3 weeks then 2 weeks of just Abraxane.  The 3 drugs was fairly tough from Day 3 to 5 but after that I felt ok.  Yesterday (Fri) was my first treatment on Phase 2 of EC which was fine but I'm aware this treatment is harsher so I'm waiting for side effects to kick in!  Upside it's every 3 weeks which is a relief so just another 3 to go.  After that a little rest before lumpectomy.  I hope this helps and wish you well going forward with your treatment.  It's tough but doable xx

  • Thank you for your reply. I was on EC for four fortnightly sessions and tolerated it reasonably well with just a couple of days of feeling rubbish on day 3 and 4, ans then I picked up again. I was mainly plagued with nasal, mouth and vaginal sores which were very unpleasant but definitely thought the treatment would be worse. I've been told so many times that paclitaxel is easier on the body but such a nuisance to not experience that due to the flushing and other reactions. Hoping Ablaxane will be okay. All the best for your ongoing treatment xx

  • Hi glad to hear you tolerated EC ok.  I had mine on Fri and as usual felt fine over the weekend but today feel very spaced out and my legs don't feel like they are my own!  Feel like jelly but that'Thumbsupfine.  I've taken the new anti sickness tablets so far so good.  Abraxane was fine and just tge odd day or 2 feeling tired and no energy but still managed some walks and able to cook and tidy up at Thumbsupme.  We've got this Thumbsup xx

  • Hello, DEE DEE 61 and BAC52

    I have stage 2, grade 3, TNBC.

    I paused immunology, Pembro from the 3rd cycle of the first 12 week plan as attacking skin. Carboplatin is also causing severe skin reactions – the skin on the arms is just constantly peeling, and I have spots on my legs and chest, arms painful. My consultant advised 4 daily sessions of maximum steroids to suppress my immune system which is very revved up and I have been using Betnovate cream for weeks on end but not sure this is working.

    I also switched to Abraxane from Paclitaxel as an adverse reaction during infusion. I’ve heard a lot of patients react badly but they have to start everyone on Paclitaxel. Abraxane costs 10 times more!

    My 4th cycle might just be Abraxane. Concerned that this will compromise shrinkage outcome. Did you have an MRI after the first 12 weeks and if so were you happy with the results? I do worry this is not shrinking quickly enough.

    Thanks for sharing info on Epriubicin – a 3-week cycle is welcome.

    Best wishes for your treatment


  • Thanks for your reply Trees26. I saw my oncologist today who basically said the same thing about the cost. I did wonder why they put people on Paclitaxel if it causes an allergic reaction. In so many. I have also had skin issues with EC in that I had an eruption of boils which delayed chemo for two weeks. I've been on antibiotics and getting steroid induced diabetes did not help my skin. I have recovered but one boil went into a nasty abscess and that is being monitored and dressed.

    I didnt have an MRI because I had surgery (double mastectomy) prior to chemo so my cancer has been removed. Mine is a mopping up exercise but I am concerned that I have had a three week break although my medical team are not that worried.

    I feel it is one issue after another 

    Hang in there!

    D x

  • Hi Trees26

    Sorry to hear your suffering with skin problems and hope it clears up soon!  I had an ultrasound scan just before my last treatment on Phase 1.  The tumour had shrunk from 2.8cm to 1cm which I was so very happy to hear.  It gave me a real boost.  Hope you are given some good news when you have a scan.  Wishing you well xx