First oncology appointment and what to expect

  • 5 replies
  • 284 subscribers

Dear All, I am due to have my first oncology appointment and have already been told that I will need chemo, radiotherapy and medication by the surgeon. Please can I ask what to expect on the first appointment with an oncologist as I feel better if I can try and prepare myself. xxx

  • Hi hope you are doing well as you can..

    my first appointment we went in and I was weighed/BP checked and then when I saw the oncologist they talked me through what exactly the treatment plan would be, explained everything and I signed to say I accepted the treatment. They was was lovely and took their time to explain everything, although I still went away confused about the lengths of cycle/rounds! Maybe write any questions down with you?

    best of luck with your treatment and take care. 

  • Hi there, I remember being quite overwhelmed at my first oncology appointment I have to admit, and a little scared.  They talked through all the “worst” side effects of chemo, including the extremes that really most people don't suffer from, so maybe be prepared for that.  I'd also recommend taking someone with you, an extra ear is good, and I would definitely take notes.

    On the positive side, the chemo itself was nowhere near as terrifying as I had feared!  I blogged throughout my treatment and you might find this one useful as you prepare. Chemo Tips blog post

    Also, this info from Macmillan might be helpful, if you've not already found it Chemo info link

    Best wishes 

    Community Champion badge

  • Thank you so much, that is such a great help, sending love and healing hugs xxx

  • Anyone tried the CDK 4/6 inhibitor drugs? I am going to see my breast surgeon and soon oncologist and wonder if oncologist will discuss with me the types of drugs used for chemo and the alternative drugs? I want to know if anyone are on CDK 4/6 inhibitor drug?