Genomic test

  • 4 replies
  • 286 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I’ve recently been diagnosed with stage 1, grade 2, ER and PR positive breast cancer, and I’m still awaiting my HER2 results. 

As I’m 32, I’ve been offered the option of having a genomic test. My consultant suggested I research it and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. I’m leaning towards going ahead with the test, but I’d love to hear from others who’ve decided either for or against it, and the reasons behind their choice.

Thanks so much in advance for any insights!

  • I had one. I decided all knowledge was a good thing. The results were back in 2 weeks, which was much sooner than predicted and confirmed the proposed treatment plan was correct for me.

    Good luck x

  • Hi Whilst I did not have genomic testing I was tested for the BRACA gene.  My sister had been told she was a BRACA 2 carrier and hence the offer to me.  I took the test and it confirmed that I was a BRACA 2 carrier.  I am still pleased that I did it but it has had unintended consequences for my 3 adult children. I did not expect them and to ne honest we are still navigating the journey.  What I now know would not have changed my decision but surprises do come out of the wood work.

    All the best with your decision making


  • Hi, I am currently waiting for brca results. I think it’s a very personal decision. For me, I knew straight away I wanted the test. I was offered a counselling session to explain the possible outcomes and talk through options. If I have a positive result, the recommendation is bilateral mastectomies and ovaries removal. Alternatively, you can monitor the situation (more difficult with ovaries). I will probably go for the surgery option to reduce risk. 
    as said, it will also have impact for others - my own child and my siblings and potentially their kids. It’s a lot to consider as the decision affects others. Ultimately though, given we already have a BC diagnosis, for me it made sense to understand the bigger picture. 

    Good luck with making your decision. X 

  • Hello Suffolk92,  well I had the same stage and grade etc as you but diagnosed at 71 so big age difference.  Was not offered the genomic test as my age was not appropriate but if I was 32 for sure I would do it. 
    Take care and good luck with everything.
