Multiple excisions

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  • 281 subscribers

Hello everyone!

I was first diagnosed at the end of August with. DCIS and invasive cancer.

Ive had two ops under general anaesthetic, a third one to remove an unclear margin under local - after which the surgeon told me I’d be ‘cured’. Last week I was informed they’d found more DCIS so recommended to go for fourth op under general.  He also offered mastectomy as an option as there’s no guarantee against needing a fifth. To hear the word ‘mastectomy’ really frightened me. 

I wondered if anyone could help me with these questions:

How common are multiple excisions and how many do they do before recommending a mastectomy?

Are there any long term effects/increased risk of recurrence from multiple excisions?

I have PTSD from undergoing my 3rd op under local where I felt everything (the anaesthetic didn’t work.) I was told I’d be ‘cured’ after 3rd op and I’m not.

Am I justified in feeling angry, upset and anxious?

sorry for all the questions

thank you o anyone who can offer any comments to my experience or help with questions.

  • Hi AEMac, I was also diagnosed with DCIS / IDC. I was told all invasive tumours were removed but there weren’t clear margins on 3 sides after op1 and needed a further op. The type of op is dependent on breast size and location of disease I think. We discussed mastectomy at this point but in the end my surgeon recommended a lateral mammoplasty - I lost over half of my breast at that point. At that surgery both DCIS and a further 9mm invasive tumour were removed - I was quite shocked about the additional IDC. Margins only 2mm on closest side too but surgeon happy with that. 
    I think all your feelings are legitimate - they are how you feel.
    I have several concerns post surgery (no further checks to see if spread to lymph nodes or that they actually did get all disease now) but I am adjusting to trusting the medical team. In some ways it is really great your team are being so thorough with you and making sure they get all disease. The multiple surgeries are really tough, and surgery with only LA sounds awful - am so sorry. For me I have one very long scar from armpit to nipple, scar from lymphs removal and also my nipple was moved so stitched all the way round - it’s a lot to adjust to but what choices do we have. 
    I would talk everything through with a BCN. You need to feel listened to by your medical team. See what all your options are, take a breath. This is all such a whirlwind for us - so many decisions in such a short time and the shock, pain, adjustments - it is tough. So be kind to yourself and go with how you feel.

    Will stop rambling but sending a hug xx