Paclitaxel Chemo Experience

  • 14 replies
  • 284 subscribers

Hi all, I am looking to hear of your experiences with the weekly Paclitaxel chemo treatment. I have had Epirubicin every 3 weeks for 9 weeks. My reaction was feeling fine for the first 2-3 days, then feeling tired and groggy. I then had severe back pain which I believe was due to the white blood cell injections I received. 

Has anybody had Epirubicin followed by Paclitaxel? I am keen to hear how Paclitaxel compares in terms of side effects. With it being more frequent will I feel worse? 

  • Hi  

    Like you, I had Epirubicin for 3 cycles and felt generally okay after about 10 days each time. I also had severe back pain on the last day of the 7 white blood cell injections.

    I then had Paclitaxel for 12 weeks and didn't suffer any side effects at all.

    I hope you'll continue with few side effects.

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  • Hi AngSingo, thank you for your post.

    I completed 5 mths of chemo last month.

    Sounds like you didn't do too badly on EC. 

    I was on the accelerated EC fortnightly cycles x 4. Followed by 12 weekly cycles of Paclitaxel. My understanding is that everyone experiences chemotherapy differently. 

    With EC I had an absolutely hideous nuclear grade headache after cycle 2, which lasted for 2 weeks. I had to have 1 cycle delayed and my dose reduced for the last two cycles. 

    I found the weekly Paclitaxel quite exhausting.  I had many side effects which were not as debilitating as the EC side effects but still impacted my quality of life.

    I've just had to delete the rest of my message. As I had started to list all my side effect experiences.  I realised that's probably not what you need to hear. I imagine you're already anxious enough.

    Having come out the other side, I would encourage anyone embarking on the chemo path... To keep an open mind, read the official literature, take it one day at a time and see what your personal experience is like.  Don't ignore any side effects, report them all to your medics.

    There really is no way of knowing in advance, how the drugs will affect us . I've read about so many people's experiences.  In comparison, mine was neither the most, nor the least severe.

    My view and experience is that chemotherapy is pretty tough. But it is not so tough that we cannot manage it. 

    I wish you all the very best with your ongoing treatment. Peace, Shaka

  • Ah thanks so much for your reply. You have certainly been through it in terms of side effects and it’s also good to hear that, on the whole, we can bear the experience. I do now appreciate that there isn’t a simple answer regarding side effects as we all react differently but thanks so much for your kind words and I too send very best wishes to you. Ang x

  • Hi. I’m on exactly the same regime as you but have only had one EC so far and the next is on Thursday this week. I had mammoth headache after about day 6 with my first EC but otherwise ok. I have now developed mouth ulcers though that bloody hurt! I’m hoping that Paclitaxol will be ok as it’s weekly so also interested to hear other experiences x 

  • I had 4 x EC and 12 weekly paclitaxel. The main side effect I had was pain in fingers and toes which worsened for the last 3 weeks. The dose was reduced slightly for the last 2 and I also had nausea during the treatment for the last 3 cycles and was given lots of nausea medication which helped. 

  • I  had 4 EC infusions 3 weeks apart and felt dreadful each time for a few days - tinnitus headache dizziness shaking nausea … Pharmacist said that being older (69) and having had pregnancy nausea and prone to motion sickness made me likely to have unpleasant side effects. What was amazing was that each time throughout day 6 I felt better every hour- completely fine by the afternoon, with 2 weeks to feel ok again.

    The 12 paclitaxels were much easier overall, but I did have some vertigo for one or two days after each infusion. I used to feel my best the day after the dose- think it was the premed with piriton in that was still working. I used to zonk straight out when I was given it. I started to get really painful toes for a few days  after I’d had seven goes and the dose was reduced to 80%. Thick brown toenails grew out in about 9 months and my fingernails normalised. I was surprised to find dry skin got worse for a few weeks after the therapy stopped, but that sorted itself out. Unfortunately I’ve got skin and fingernail issues again from letrozole and/or abemaciclib, but my feet have stayed ok!

    All the best xx

  • I found Paclitaxel a lot easier to deal with than EC although I did find that each appointment came round really quickly-felt as if I was always getting ready for the next appointment.
    I was anxious about the Paclitaxel causing chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy so, after some research, I decided to ice my hands and feet. It seems to have worked.

    I was also worried about my nails so used Polybalm, 3 times a day, hands and feet, 1 week before treatment started and throughout. It did a great job.

    I think the doses of Paclitaxel are smaller than EC as you are getting them each week rather than in one big dose, so the side effects are less.

    Good luck with your on going treatment

  • Hello Deebee60

    I hope your treatment is going well.  I'm on Abraxane which is a form of Paclitaxel which I have every week for 12 weeks.  I also have Pembro and Carbo every 3 weeks.  I will then start EC every 3 weeks for 12 weeks.  I am slightly anxious about EC which I have heard is quite tough.  As you say its a bigger dose.  How long does EC infusion take?  I have had slight tingling in toes and fingers which seems yo come and go.  It's a tough year long journey and with hair loss to cope with some days are really hard but I try to stay positive which is good for the soul.  Happy healthy New year to you and yours x

  • Hello BAC52,

    I can't really remember how long the EC took _ I had 3 treatments back in July and August of this year. I was cold capping too which added 2.5 hrs to the treatment time (1 hr before starting treatment and 1.5 hrs after treatment finished).
    I think the infusion took between 1-1.5 hrs
    I found EC quite tough and was unwell for 5-6 days each time. I lost a lot of weight as I lost my appetite.
    Your right - it's good to take things a day at a time.
    Wishing you all the best for the rest of your treatment xx

  • Hi Deebee60

    That's helpful to know.  I started my 3rd cycle yesterday one more to go on 24 Jan then onto EC for 4 three weekly cycles.  After that a lumpectomy.  Followed by 5 six weekly cycles of Pembro.  Hopefully I should be done in Nov.

    My hair is quite fine so I decided against cold capping.  It's pretty much gone now!

    Stay well xx