Has anyone refused radiotherapy and tamoxifen?

  • 12 replies
  • 286 subscribers

Hi, I'm due to start radiotherapy in early January and Tamoxifen tomorrow. I had a grade 1 in my left breast, the lumpectomy was successful, removed whole tumour plus clear margin. No spread to lymph nodes. Some nerve damage, but nothing too awful.

I have been genuinely fine about being diagnosed with cancer. I tend not to worry if I can't control the outcome.

But now I can, and I'm a mess. Everything about radiotherapy and Tamoxifen scares me. I've researched as much as I can but am struggling to decide whether to accept treatment or rely on the yearly mammograms and my own feeling for lumps, to pick up any early signs.

Has anyone else here refused radiotherapy or Tamoxifen? I need to talk to someone who is having or has had the same decision making please.

  • Hopeful Barb, thank you for your reply. As I am also a 34A and had not thought of the impact that might have on future treatment, I really appreciate that insight. I'm to going to have more conversations with the radiotherapists tomorrow. Thank you again. Green heart

  • You are very welcome as sharing is so important.  I had quite a few discussions with surgeon and radiologist and finally made the decision to have the radiation.  I certainly understand your concerns as I had them too.  Hugs to you.
