Radiation therapy late side effects

  • 2 replies
  • 280 subscribers

Hello everyone, 

I completed radiation in July this year and it seems I’m now having the side effects. Is this normal? upper back chest shoulder arm and low blood pressure now the tiredness is always there but will this get better? Also the constant fear of the cancer coming back 

thanks x

  • Hi SJM welcome to the forum. The side effects you describe are normal and can take months, sometimes longer to go away. That said If anything concerns you then please go get checked out if only for reassurance..The fear of the Cancer coming back I don't think ever leaves us. However, we have to try our best to put it to the back of our mind because if we don't then Cancer wins and that's not good. It's not easy but worth a try..


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  • Hi SJM

    I finished radiation end of September and still feel odd. I have days where my balance is 'off' and I feel I am not walking straight. I have upped my daily aerobic workouts and my balance is starting to get better, my arms and shoulders also feel loosened. I also had an eye test and a scan of the back of my eyes at the opticians just to make sure it wasn't my sight.

    I think a lot of these effects are from the chemo, surgery and radiation. My body has been through a lot in under a year and I am still having Phesgo so its dealing with a lot. The fatigue can be overwhelming at times and I have lost count of the number of times that I have fallen asleep sitting bolt upright in a chair. 

    I would say exercise each day and walk if you can. Drink loads of water too and make sure you get enough sleep. It can be really hard to exercise when you're feeling naff but really the stretching etc has helped me no end. I just pop the online cardio workout on the TV screen and off I go. Before I know it I have finished and feel better mentally for sticking with it. I am no spring chicken but I have pushed myself.

    Regarding the fear of cancer coming back, I think of that every day. My thoughts on waking up are that I am still alive. Sometimes I have crushing panic but I have learnt to ask my husband for a hug until the panic settles or if he is out, I remember to slow my breathing as I could be breathing too quickly or am holding my breath neither of which are good. It is getting better. I am part of a support group which has been so helpful; and I say this as someone who is not a great joiner of things as I have such a lack of self confidence. It is worth seeing if you can join some sort of support group. All us ladies in the group have experience of breast cancer so we don't have to explain how we are feeling - we all just 'get it.'  

    Maybe see your GP or oncologist about the low blood pressure|?

    Wishing you well. xx