Treatment plan change

  • 3 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hello All...

I was diagnosed with grade 2 tripple positive ductal carcinoma er8 pr7 her2+ my cancer is 28mm at the beginning of July. 

My initial plan was docetaxel carboplatin herceptin and perjetta for 6 cycles then surgery (lumpectomy) then carry on with ther herceptin and perjetta and radiation.

I had my first cycle on the 17th September which apsalutely floored me leaving me hospitalised for 10 day with nutropenic colitis that almost killed me.

I've only just come out of hospital saw my oncologist yesterday he has decided no more chemo as I was ill and too much of risk. So for now I'm to carry on with just the herceptin and perjetta while I get referred to the surgical team in the next mdt meeting.  My oncologist has said after surgery I will be put on paxletaxel once a week instead of the docetaxel and carbo he said its not as brutal. 

So I have a few questions firstly, while taking herceptin and perjetta alone ( without chemo ) what we're the side effects and are you really poorly?

My second question is will my plan for surgery now change from lumpectomy to masectomy or will they just stick with original plan? 

I'm feeling anxious about having the herceptin and perjetta and if its going to make me really ill...

Right now I'm struggling to see the light at then of the tunnel and I feel powerless and pretty scared as I know tripple positive bc can be aggressive. 

Many thanks Blush 

  • Hi RIAcam75, sorry to hear of your diagnosis and your bad reaction to your first chemo. I too am triple positive with invasive ductal carcinoma. I had 7 cycles of chemo and am currently on pesgo injections every three weeks. Apart from a few achy joints, I have found the injections fine. My husband trained to give them to me at home, so I now have less hospital visits, which is good. Treatment plan changes are always difficult, but unfortunately do happen. I was due to have a mastectomy, with diep flap reconstruction next week, but this has been changed due toi illness. It has now been rescheduled to the following week. It was so disappointing as I have been well all through treatment, then get ill just before my operation. It's only a week, but I was so ready to just get this part of my treatment completed. I wish you well on your journey moving forward. If you want to chat anytime I'm always here. Xx

  • Many thanks for your reply Daisy much appreciated. 

    So sorry to hear you won't be having surgery on the planned date it must be disappointing but at least they are looking after you and want to make sure you are well enough. 

    I'm glad to hear you didn't have any adverse reactions to the phesgo injections alone, I'm only just starting to feel better I'm not sure I could go through feeling so ill again. Xx I hope your opp goes well and wish you lots of luck xx

  • Thank you,  good luck to you too. Xx