Lumpectomy Surgery options

  • 2 replies
  • 267 subscribers

Hi everyone,

I have cancer on my left breast grade 2.

 I have just come back from an appointment with the surgeon and he explained that I have two options:

1- the easier option to remove the lump with one incision and have a bit of an indentation + a nipple a bit more on the left. So have one breast different from the other.

2- have an uplift on left breast and after all the all clear, to have an uplift on my right breast. So to have more equal breasts. 

I don’t know what to do.

Can someone share their experiences and let me know why they chose one or the other option.

 I am 66 but in very good shape and health, except for the cancer!!

Am I too old, should I not bother?

Do I really want to go through more pain with the second operation….?

I know the decision is mine and we are all different but still I need to know how you have gone through this 

Thank you

  • Hello,  well those are good questions.  Sorry you have BC as so many decisions.  Did surgeon talk to you about oncoplastic techniques where they can move the breast tissue around so you have a better cosmetic appearance.  Also can do lipofilling after surgery if you are not pleased.  I am small breasted and had bilateral lumpectomies and look pretty even.  I was 71 and in excellent health too except for the breast cancer.  I feel really good now as it is 3 years since all this happened and made my life crazy for awhile.  I wish you the best and just ask many questions about oncoplastic surgery as it can be amazing.  Hugs to you and I am sure there are many who will respond with their stories.


  • It is such a personal choice. I had a lumpectomy and they did say they could resize my other breast to match if they had to remove a larger area. The cancer was on my left breast which has always been slightly larger than the right so I opted not to have anything else done. Mine was to the side so not so visible. I could not see any noticeable difference apart from the scar which after two years has faded and hardly noticeable. Maybe just go with first option and see how you feel. You will have enough to cope with without worrying about another op but we are all different. I didn’t  find the lumpectomy too bad at all so hope it is the same for you. Remember, whatever decision you make, it  is the right decision for you and don’t be too worried  by what others say. Good luck.