First chemo appointment

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  • 267 subscribers

Hello, I am due to start chemo for the first time in a couple of weeks and don't know where to start. Obviously I've got some idea of what to expect, mainly the worry of side effects, but not sure on the practical side. What do I bring with me? Can someone come with me? How long does it take? Will I feel rubbish that day or will it take a while to kick in? I'm sure someone will be in touch before then but I am at a loss just now so any advice would be great. Thanks

  • Hi,

    I've been through a total of 14 chemo cycles, so hopefully I can help. The first thing to say it that there are so many different types of chemo and they all vary in terms of side effects, duration, impact whatever. 

    I obviously can't speak for everyone, but in my case the first day/night is never too bad, and the worst of it is the week of the infusion. Usually, once a week and a half had passed, I began to feel much better. 

    In terms of what to bring, again this probably depends. Some water, a book, headphones are a good shout if the appointment will be a couple of hours. In terms of more specific things, I found that having a sweet or something relatively strong tasting was good as I found a build up of saliva as I waited there. 

    I can't speak for the place where you are having treatment, but I would be amazed if you weren't allowed to bring someone, and at the very least there should be a space close by for relatives/friends to wait. 

    To be honest though, you sort of just need to get through thr first round to know for certain what the answers to your questions are. However, what I would also say is that after every session I was a little better prepared for the next one; knowing what to do beforehand, what to bring, how to manage side effects, what food to have ready for the tough week, etc. You will definitely find this too, I promise.

    Good luck with it and remember that it is absolutely fine to find it hard, horrible, unpleasant and anything in between. Simply getting through it is a huge achievement.