Mental health during breast cancer

  • 29 replies
  • 270 subscribers


Can anyone help with pointing me in the right direction for some mental health support? So much seems to be directed at the diagnosis end which I am well past.

I have not had poor mental health before but feel I am falling apart. I have had absolutely no support from my named BC Nurse who I have only seen once at diagnosis time.  

Macmillan have a 6 month waiting list apparently, I need to see someone much sooner than that before I break,

Any ideas anyone? I would appreciate it very much.

  • So sorry it didn't go to plan for you. You can put a complaint into PALS also request that the horrible is not part of your remaining treatment. Xx

  • Hi Blueskythinking,

    So sorry to read that you had such a horrid experience. No one should be getting angry with you in this situation, I'm so sorry. Did anyone advise you to take items of clothing to help with keeping warm... like a hat or gloves? If indeed you are allowed to wear such items! Might be worth asking the question maybe?

    My surgery date has been brought forward by a few days due to an opening, which is great, but it has unnerved me a bit lol! Makes you realise how delicate our emotions can be at times like this! I'm so appreciative of forums like this and the podcasts etc. It definitely helps with the feelings of isolation and suchlike.

    Take care and please do keep us posted.

    Hugs xxx

  • Good idea Redc. I will email PALs but am concerned that I could be making things worse for myself. Due to past trauma I've experienced (not cancer related) I requested only female radiotherapists. I am sure that if I complain, they might give me male radiologists in which case I will leave the room and not have treatment.

    I don't understand why mammograms are done by females and yet radiotherapy can be either male or female. I think us breast cancer ladies should be given a choice if wanted. Some people I know are not bothered but it's a big deal for me. The other bit of my brain says get the treatment it could prevent a recurrence. What a choice..... 

  • Hi HappyHope

    I will be wearing a hat, gloves, something to cover my arms no matter what. If the machine has to be kept cool, the human has to be kept warm (inner tiger is coming out now)

    Good that your surgery has been brought forward. Don't let it unnerve you. All will be well. I had my operation at another hospital in the Trust as I wanted a female surgeon. The clinical nurses who looked after us in the day surgery could not have been kinder  They couldn't do enough for us. 

    Keep your chin up, I looked at it that the sooner the nasty thing was out of my breast the better. Take care and look after yourself. Big hugs xx 

  • I'm about to do a complaint into PALS about my diagnosis.

    I've also requested females only for my radiotherapy and no tattoos. I think this is why my oncologist wants to be around when I have my planning and CT appointment. They may have me down as awkward but I don't really care, my body and I say what's and doesn't happen to it xxx

  • Good thinking Redc I couldn't agree more. After making a fuss with my oncologist (who was not happy by the way) I managed to get only pen marks with see through plasters put over the top instead of tattoos.  It took some doing. I had to lie very still and the pen marks are big, the plaster type strip stuck over the top has made me very itchy and red so I must have a reaction to the strip just as I do with fabric plasters. Power to you girl xx

  • How many are you having?

    I've been given the option of 5 plus 5 boost or 15 plus 5 boost. I'm allergic to micropor so it's not made of similar stuff. I'm north Wales x

  • I'm having 5 only when I was expecting more but this seems to be insurance against recurrence. Beautiful Wales - how lucky x 

  • If it’s any consolation, the tattoos are TINY. Just like the tip of a pencil. 6 months on, I can barely see them and certainly nobody else can.