Second lymph node clearance

  • 2 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Hi Everyone.

After a mastectomy and lymph node clearance in November and 7 cycles of chemo, I have now been booked for a second lymph node clearance to remove a stray lymph node that was hidden during my first surgery. It feels like going back to the beginning only with added side effects from chemo and HER2 and hormone therapies. Has anyone had a similar experience? If so, how did you find your recovery?

It’s a lot for the brain fog to handle but trying to stay positive. I don’t post a lot so I really appreciate you taking the time to read this.

Thanks x

  • Hi, I’m sorry to read that you need more surgery under the circumstances, and yes, it will feel like another hurdle to cross, on top of everything else. However, your team is doing your best for you, and this stray node has been located. Better that, than for it to remain undetected. That’s a positive from this. I’m guessing (having had a mastectomy / node clearance myself) that this will be a shorter operation, so you will be unconscious for less time. Hopefully that will help you recover a little more quickly. Although it might feel like it, this isn’t going back to the beginning - it’s tidying up what has come before it. It’s a long and rocky road sometimes, I know and understand that, and there can be unwelcome twists and turns. But you are under their radar and your team sound like they are being thorough. Xx 

  • Cloudier, thank you for kind words. It is true, my team have been brilliant and I cannot fault them. It’s the crazy rollercoaster and my body playing tricks that is a struggle sometimes.

    We are all stronger than we think though and I’m fortunate to have a good support network. 

    I wish you well xx