Post-surgery pain relief

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  • 266 subscribers

Hi, I had a lumpectomy a couple of days ago and had a lot of pain relief in hospital. I was not prescribed anything to take home, so am alternating paracetamol and ibuprofen. It’s not really working and I’m struggling to sleep. Does anyone have any recommendations? I’ve tried the obvious like cake and chocolate! But even those aren’t helping! 

  • Mmmmmmm. In theory those painkillers should he enough I think. I’d check in with your bcn. Hare you got much swelling or heat in the area ??im  sure your pain will start to get better very soon. Did they give you the little heart shape cushion for under your arm pit (only if you had snb) 

  • After my mastectomy I could go back to the ward/hospital for any queries. I had one admittedly only a few days after. Ring the ward and ask, alternatively ask your GP to check and prescribe something stronger x

  • Thank you for replying. I bought a heart shape cushion in advance and it’s made such a difference. I’ve got a lot of swelling which is bizarrely making my operated boob bigger than the other one! 
    Thanks for reminding me about my breast care nurse - I’d forgotten about her - it’s all happened so fast xx

  • Thank you for replying. I’ve been in touch with my GP and got some codeine. I’m hoping that might make more of a difference. I knew it would be painful, but I’m trying to do the exercises as I’m scared of anything going wrong and of course that makes the pain more intense. c22 reminded me about my breast nurse who I had completely forgotten about! xx

    • Defo ask her I think some swelling is normal but I had a hematoma which does just need checking…… it’s totally fixable but needs just asking about 
    • good luck
    • how do you feel today 
  • I’ve messaged my nurse, so hopefully she will be able to let me know when I’m having my follow-up. I’m on day 4 now so just taking each day as it comes. I’m not sure if this is just me, but I’m running out of things to say to people when they ask me if it’s gone well and if I’m relieved it’s over…. I know they mean well and they just want me to be ok, but I want to say: I don’t know how it went as I’m not an expert and it’s not over, it feels like it’s just starting. Instead, I just smile and say I hope so.

    I am glad to have this opportunity to vent! I hope you are finding a way through as well. Blush

  • Hi 

    I have only just joined this forum but am now 4 weeks post surgery

    I took codine for the first week to help with pain as well as paracetamol and ibuprofen then gradually phased them out and I’m now just taking paracetamol when I feel I need it. 

    I found the exercises really difficult for the two weeks and then probably at the end of week two it just all started to get easier. Once I had my dressing removed I found it more comfortable to wear a soft vest like bra (no wires) as this supported my boob

    four weeks in and my “naughty boob” as we call it is still slightly bigger than the other but now feeling more normal

    i too struggled with how I felt and lack of sleep makes everything harder so if you are off work try to nap 

    It’s hard when everyone is saying amazing the cancer is out but i personally feel like this is just step one

    i really hope you feel better soon 
