Implant feels huge.

  • 3 replies
  • 266 subscribers

Hi everyone, so I had a left side mastectomy with implant reconstruction at the same time. Surgery was on 12 July so just a few weeks ago. I'm still waiting on pathology results from the nodes that were removed so no idea if further treatment is needed. 

The implant side is huge compared to the normal breast, I'm talking a good inch bigger. So my right side looks almost flat compared to the enormous dome on the left. 

Can anyone advise on if it could just be swelling or if the size difference is permanent and what options are there to get the breasts a bit more symmetrical. I'm not after perfect just same cup size and preferably nipples pointing I same direction. 

I was told breasts are like sisters not twins...mine feel like distant cousins just now lol. 

I know it's early days, but I like to be organised and prepared. 

Also with it being summer, wearing a vest top to keep cool is out of the question as I feel so lop sided. 


  • Hi Lex24

    As your surgery was so recent it is probably swelling. I suggest that you contact your breast care nurse and they should be able to set your mind at rest.

    Best wishes


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  • Hi Lex24

    i had a double mastectomy on 22nd and felt that Dolly Parton had nothing on me when i first came out. They have come down a little and understand they can take a number of weeks/months settle. 

    How long did you have your drain in? Mine are yet to come out and today had a large amount again so reckon will be in for the weekend

    i think a call to the breast nurse may be worthwhile- mine is so lovely and always happy to put my mind at ease.

    Sending love 


  • Thanks, had my drain in 10 days, so had itbout on 22nd july, external scars all closed up and hardly noticible too. I'm due to see the nurse and consultant for my pathology results at some point in next 2 weeks. So will see if it's down any by then. 

    I totally get the dolly Parton view lol. Mine is just one side. It's like I've a b cup and a dd cup. So fingers crossed Fingers crossed it's just swelling. I'd hate to have more surgery to get a smaller implant. 
