TNBC metastasis

  • 1 reply
  • 262 subscribers

Hi all

for the plant 6 months I’ve being going through TNBC recurrence found through a CT scan for something unrelated to BC. I had thoracic surgery back in May to dissect IMLN (internal mammary lymph nodes) & internal mammary artery. Results came back as TN metastatic cancer from primary TNBC back in 2021. Cancer was right up to where it was cauterised so now having more scans to see if it’s anywhere else. Also sample was sent off for PDL-1 testing to see if I’m eligible for immunotherapy. Due to start chemo in next few weeks & having piccline fitted next week. Has anyone else been through this kind of metastatic spread, what was your regime of treatment & how you doing now? 


  • Hi Maztay

    Sorry to hear that you have a triple negative recurrence and that it's metastatic.  I haven't been through metastatic spread but I noticed that you haven't had any answers so I thought I'd reply to you to move you to the top of the discussion.  Hopefully someone will be along shortly with an answer for you.

    Wishing you the best of luck with your treatment.

    Best wishes


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