Hard area on breast after wearing bra

  • 9 replies
  • 264 subscribers

Hello everyone,

not really expecting an answer but just in case… I’ve had chemo, removed the tumour, removed all lymph nodes and then radiotherapy. Got slight lymphoedema on my breast that I’ve scheduled to look into. 

Im trying to get a bra that offers some support. Due to the swelling not wearing one feels uncomfortable and slightly achy. I got one without underwire that fits well, isn’t tight and generally seems like a reasonable and comfortable fit. The problem:

Every time I remove it I have a hard bump, not a lump exactly, just an area of hard tissue on the lower inside area of the breast. It’s not even an area that touches the bra. My breast goes back to normal about half an hour after removing it. The doc saw it today at my oncologist appointment and said the tissue does feel harder. She’s not sure why and I’m having an ultrasound in 2 weeks.

I’m worried. I’m sure it’s the bra but still worried. Will buy another one but still… anyone had this happen? Any idea why? What to buy to avoid it?

Thanks. And all the best to everyone.

  • Hi there, I’m so sorry you are on this horrible journey too.

    i have exactly the same thing, every time I remove my bra I have a thick indentation and the skin is very hard, I saw the radiotherapy follow up team recently as I’m still quite swollen and still warm to the touch too, I had my RT in February, so thought it would have settled down by now. 
    I was advised to carry on using Aveeno a couple of times a day and gently massage the area, it is slowly starting to help, but I feel it’s going to be a long and slow process. 
    I was told the breast care nurses can also offer a massage to help remove the fluid if it doesn’t heal on its own. But I dont really want to have to keep going for more appointments so I’m trying it on my own for now. 
    sorry I can’t offer any further help, but I think it’s one of those problems we don’t find out about until it happens to us! 
    wishing you all the best xx 

  • Wow! I really didn’t think I’d get an answer, been googling forever, doc had no idea… thought it was just me. Thank you so much! Feel less worried now. 

    We see to be in the same situation. I finished radiotherapy on the 14th of Feb, I have the ‘indentation’ like a line on the area - if that’s what you mean - right after removing the bra and the whole area is still warm, slightly darker and aches. The swelling started in March and I got an appointment at a lymphoedema clinic mid September….. not sure if it will help.

    What’s Aveeno? I wasn’t told to use anything specific.

    Thanks again. You can’t imagine what a relief this is. Being asked to have a ultrasound got my mind going to the worst.

  • Aww I’m happy I could help, these forums have been so helpful over the past 18 months, you are describing exactly the same symptoms I have, it’s so frustrating isn’t it. 
    Aveeno is a vetc good rich cream, its made with oats and I was recommended it by my RT team, it’s very good for dry skin and eczema too, you can get it online or in Boots, Amazon etc.. have a look around, sometimes you can get good offers on it in Boots. My RT nurse also recommenced putting the cream in the fridge to cool it, so that hekps with the warm ness too. 
    hopefully you will get some more advice from your appointment in Sept. 
    all the very best, Sharon xx 

  • Thank you very much! The forums have indeed been extremely helpful in the past year and a half for me too. Lots of good advice. Will try the cream and hope for the best.

    Hope you get better soon Heart

    T️ake care!

  • Slightly different situation but just to say my boob feels hard post lumpectomy. Bit sore and defo a bit hard lump where the rumour was. Can’t figure it out really? 

  • Hey, not sure how long it’s been after your surgery but I have a hard area where the surgery was performed too, like where the stitches were. I think it’s normal. Check it out -check EVERYTHING out- or call your nurse if your next appointment is too far away. But I think it’s nothing to worry about.

  • hi there. I have exactly the same thing. I had full lymph node clearance in January and still have a an area such as you are describing every time I take my bra off. I had an ultrasound and nothing sinister was found. I have got used to it now and don’t worry about it. I hope you can be reassured soon. it feels like an area of lymphoedema, about the size of a mug base and is quite firm and a bit redder than the surrounding skin, but doesn’t hurt. 
    if I go bra-less it does not develop. 

  • Thanks for your response :) It’s comforting to hear. I got my ultrasound booked on the 5th so I hope that will go well. I’ve taken to going around bra-less at home, just cause that thing bugs me mentally. So weird…

  • Hope the ultrasound goes well

    saw my surgeon last week and sort of kicking myself for not asking more about the lumps. He seemed to think it was all normal although didn’t really look much tbh!

    seeing oncologist next week / willl ask him.