Post surgery bras

  • 2 replies
  • 263 subscribers

Hi. I'm a bit confused about post surgery bras. Context, I am a new Zealander/British ex pat  live in the Philippines and am having a mastectomy with reconstruction in a few weeks. I'm in the UK currently and thought to pick up some post surgery bras ... But realised how do I know what size? I don't know how close to my current size my reconstructed breast will be. I looked in the Philippines and it was hard to find any I could try on or see in person. I am trying to get organised her with everything I might need so I'm not caught out. Thanks in advance. 

  • I can’t help because I had a lumpectomy but just wanted to say best of luck

    . Is your reconstruction going to be your current size? In which case just go for your existing size.maybe? But I’m not expert!!!! Nicola Jane does really comfy front opening if you can find somewhere to get some sent before you arrive?. Very easily returnable with post sticker included . Don’t be tempted by Mary Manchester they don’t accept returns and are rubbish. Or book an appointment at m and s??

    for what it’s worth I was in sports bras/ crop tops mostly. 

  • Thanks. I have appointments with M and S and John Lewis today. I bought two crop tops I can step into already as I thought they would be good. If I have unilateral then my reconstruction will be the same size, by I'm more convinced I want bilateral now. As they are natural reconstruction not implants, I might not have enough excess on me to have the same size. I didn't think to talk to the surgeon at the time about cup sizes as all the appointments happened so quickly after diagnosis and I was still reeling. Regular bras that fit me are impossible to get in the Philippines hence trying to sort it now.