Breast lump and puckering. The agony of the 2 week wait

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This week I found a lump and puckering in my left breast.

I saw a GP at my surgery who was great. Sadly she confirmed that both of these things were real.

The letter she has sent to the hospital said. 2cm hard lump and dimpling/puckering 2-3 cm and mild erythema.

Im lucky that my hospital appointment is on the 20th but this seems ages away and don’t know what to expect from this appointment.

Does anyone have any similar experience or advise please?

all the best to all, Gill

  • Hello

    your story sounds similar to mine. Referred to breast clinic on 18th June with a suspicious lump Id noticed whilst on holiday. 

    Breast clinic 24th June. Examination followed by a mammogram. This showed an enlarged lymph node. Biopsy of lump and node and placement of a clip. Was told it was looking suspicious. 

    Consultant appt on 4th July. Results showed ductal cancer in breast and lymph node. oestrogen positive only. 

    Surgery yesterday to remove tumour and lymph node clearance. Will get results of tests on 19th August. Definitely having radiotherapy and hormone therapy but chemo to be decided based on results after surgery. 

    it’s been fairly fast and I was so shocked at first. Didn’t tell anyone until it was confirmed at the meeting with my consultant. I feel totally well and not at all ill. It’s so weird telling people I have cancer when I am otherwise healthy. 

    I am home and sore but otherwise feel fine. The drain is a bit awkward but a lovely district nurse is calling in everyday to help me empty it and record how much fluid. 

    Just deal with each step at a time and  don’t overthink it. I have a month long wait for results from this surgery and meeting with consultant but I will try and focus on recovery from surgery and regaining full movement for now. 

    good luck for your treatment. You have got this Muscle

  • Hi Gill.

    I am sorry that the tests reveal that you have breast cancer. 
    I can relate to your feeling calmer at this stage. Personally cancer is something I always dreaded and expected to develop due to a strong family history, and once breast cancer was confirmed I felt that I didn’t have to worry about developing it any more as I had it now, and I felt strangely calm about that. It was a case of ‘oh well, here it is now. Now I can get on with dealing with it’. 
    I think people on the forum would agree that feelings about it can fluctuate wildly, and there is no right or wrong way to feel. I certainly find this to be true.

    I hope your treatment pathway soon becomes clear. 
    wishing you the very best

  • Hi,

    Thank you for taking the time to replay and sorry it’s taken me so long to catch up on here.

    it does sound like we have similarities and I wish you all the best. Please keep me posted on how you progress.


  • Thank you Hedera Heart

    m️y pathway has taken another twist as they have discovering have another lesion that is smaller in size and my lymph nodes are also cancerous.

    Due to the nature of my cancer, I’m now be told that I need to have some clips inserted into my lumps and to start chemotherapy. It’s been a massive shock from the initial suggestion that it would just be surgically removed.

    i had a MRI last week and just waiting for the results back. I’m terrified that this will show there’s more and the steps will change again just as me and my family are starting to process this shocking change.
